Chapter Twenty Four

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He's like...


I went near him and see if it is really him and yes it was him,I wonder what is he doing here.


Asher greeted me and shake my hands with him.

"Thanks,what brings you here?"

I asked.

"Well,I wanted to say congrats to you and Tomika,where is she anyways?"

Asher asked his eyes finding Tomika.

"She's with Zack,why don't you come in?"

I grabbed his wrist and pull him inside.

He sat down in between of me and Lawrence,we started chatting after a quiet silence.

"So how's going for you and Kale?"

I asked.

"Well..Kale is still Kale you know,green caring Kale,well...Kale is good were fine."

Asher said as he smiled faintly.

"Anyways,how are you and Freddy?"

Asher asked.

I stopped for a moment and stared at him.

"Well... We broke up 2 years ago.."

I sighed.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to ask you that."

Asher nod down.

"It's fine."

I respond.

"You wanted some bbq's?"

I asked him.

"Well,if you insist!"

Asher giggle,I went to the grill to get him some BBQ'S and came back with two of it.

We got busy eating each other's food we didn't noticed Tomika and Zack is back.


Tomika looked at him.

"Tomika,oh hey! Congratulations."

Asher smiled.

"Thanks,umm...well.. You can stay anyways you're welcome."

Tomika smiled gladly.

Tomika sat down and had a chat with Zack and Lawrence,she kept winking at me for I don't know reason.

"Summer... "

Asher held my right hand,but I quickly removed it.

"Asher,I have to go check on Tomika."

I stood up and grabbed Tomika from where she's sitting and take her to the kitchen.


Tomika gave me the WASSUP look.

I stared at her awkwardly holding her hand,I don't know what to say.

"Summer HEYYYY!!"

she snapped her finger infront of my face.

"Tomika,I wanted to-"

I was cut off by Zack,he tooked Tomika with Lawrence.

I sighed and went back to Asher,I was having thoughts that he might like me when he touched my hand... I mean it's ridiculous to think that,he just held my hand that means we're friends,nothing to he nervous at.

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