Chapter Two

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Freddy's POV
After school,i went home.I've been busy thinking of a perfect gift for me and Kale's first monthsary,i am excited for tomorrow.

Good thing Summer helped me with picking gifts,i hope Kale will like this stuffed weird looking octopus i got for her.

I grab a box and wrap around a gift wrapper.I put in the stuffed weird looking octopus inside and put a little note.

I set aside my gift for Kale and turn off my room light,i went to my bed and lay down pondering about Kale in my dreams.


Summer's POV
At home i just layed down at my bed thinking of giving Freddy my longing gift for him since were on first grade.A David Grohl signed sticks,i knew he like that for a long time now and i still don't have the self confidence and a reason why should i give him that special gift.

I just gotta have to wait...

I guess?

The next day i woke up wearing my PJ's beside me is Freddy's special gift that i wanted to give him a few months ago.

I decided why should i get nervous,i'll just give him a gift right? it won't be that bad,my anxiety won't hit right?


I stood up my bed and went to the bathroom,as usual,after i got dressed up,i'll go down for breakfast.

I realize it's time i'll girl up and give him the gift without running away to the girl's bathroom.

I grab the gift and put it inside my bag.

I went rushing to get to school today because i have to finish the schedule before the end of the week,or the band will go nuts at too many gigs were going.

"BYE MOM!" i said running errands.

I sprinted out the door and open the car's door,our driver start the engine and drove off to school with me at the back seat.

After a 25 minute ride,i reached the campus.I run to my locker holding the lace of my bag.

I twist my locker combination and put my books in,a sudden tap on my shoulder caught my attention,i turned around and saw Freddy holding a box.

"Hey Summer,what do you think?" he showed me his gift for Kale.

"It's umm...Cool?" i said akwardly with hints on enthusiasm.

"Cool! i know she'll love it." Freddy happily walk his way inside Mr.Finn's class.

I was about to shut my locker door when Kale approach me panting.

"Summer! Summer! can you give this to Freddy? tell him happy monthsary i have something to finish today,tell him i am sorry." Kale said in between panting.

"Why don't you give him now?" i asked.

"No time to explain! here you go,i owe you one." she shoved the box in my chest.

She run away holding a garbage bag,i opened the box and saw a hat.

I remembered,Freddy hates hat so bad.I cannot give him this he'll totally freak out.

Oh men,how can i fix thi-


I grab my gift for Freddy from my bag,i removed my name at the box and wrote Kale's name on it.

I switched the box and hide Kale's actual gift for Freddy.

I went to Mr.Finn's class and approach Freddy who's busy practicing his drums.

"Hey Freddy." i greet him.

"Hey Summer." he smiled.

"Well...umm..Kale wants to give you this,she said she can't go today,actually she's in a hurry when we met earlier." i said.

"Did she told you where she's going?" he asked.

"No,she didn't but here she left you a gift,she said happy anniversay and i love you." i gave him the box and he tooked it.

" that so." Freddy sighed,he opened the box and i saw a huge smile on his face.


A huge smile was formed in my face when i saw him smiling.

"How did she know about this?" Freddy asked me.

"Well..umm...i don't have any idea at all." i lied.

"Kale knows me very well." Freddy ponder about Kale while sitting at his drum kit.

"Let's try this bad boy!" Freddy snap his new drumsticks together and start doing a drum roll.

"Sweet!" he smiled.

"Can you tell Kale,thanks,this is the best gift ever,and tell her i love her so much!" Freddy said.

"Sure...i will." i showed a faint smile.

I sit down at my desk when Tomika approached me.

"Summer,isn't that your gift for Freddy?" she whispered.

"Yeah it is." i respond.

"Guys! look what Kale got me!" Freddy shouted.

I turned around and fallen down into my hopes,but at least i make him happy,in a different way.

The whole class scatter around and look at his gift.

"Woah! David Grohl's SIGNED STICKS!?" Zack exclaimed.

"That thing cost fortune!" Mr.Finn added.

"I know!" Freddy said in between chuckles.

I felt a pat at my shoulder,i turned around and saw Tomika.

"You did well Summer.." she said resting her head at my shoulder.

"You take risk of your gift just to make Freddy happy." Tomika said.

"You're the bravest girl i know,you finally girled up,i am proud at you best friend." Tomika hugged me,i hugged her back.

Things that you do speak louder than words...

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