Chapter Three

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Summer's POV
Another day ends at school,as usual,Freddy just ignore me after he thank me.Kale didn't show up after school too,i wonder where she is?

On the way out of the campus i saw Freddy holding his new pair of sticks,he look so cheered up when he saw it,he was blabbering about it for the past 2 years.

He wanted it so bad,so i got one for him,but i got one and gave it to him to cover up for his girlfriend...

"Freddy." i approach him walking towards.

"Hey Summer,so you didn't saw Kale anywhere?" he asked.

"No,after earlier at school,she didn't bother coming back." i said.

"Well i guess i just have to give her this tomorrow morning.." Freddy sighed getting his gift for Kale inside his locker.

"She should be here by tomorrow." i faintly smiled.

"By the way,thank you again." he thanked me.

"Welcome,that's nothing anyways." i let out a slight chuckle.

"Bye." Freddy left me pulling his bag's lace as he head to his mother's car.

I waved my hand goodbye and wait for Tomika to come out of the girl's bathroom.

"Tomika! what tooked you so long?" i asked.

"Let's go." she grab my wrist,and pull me outside the campus dragging me all the way to where idk where are we going.

"I tought your mom will pick us up,you liar." i smirked slapping her hand off her grip at my wrist.

"I wanted to talk to you." she said still pulling me.

"About what?" i asked.

"No questions ask,just go follow." she continue to grab my wrist.

"Fine,just let go!" i chop her hand off my wrist.

"Where are we going? it's almost 6;30." i said looking at my watch.

"I'm with you,your parents won't freak out." she turned to me.

"Okay fine.." i rolled my eyes slightly and follow her as she lead the way.

Tomika stopped at a milktea shop opening the door with her both arms using her force.

We both sat down on an empty seat to the left side corner of the counter.

After we order milkteas,Tomika start talking.

"How come did you let such a precious gift cover up for Kale?" she asked looking so desperately to know why.

"For some reason,i want to do good things than to sabotage someone's relationship." i respond.

"Very rare of you,but you have a point,it's hard to get mad at Kale that girl let a homeless squirrel live at her locker last week." Tomika said with enthusiasm.

"Yeah,plus Kale is a very nice person,i don't think she had records with someone." i said.

"About the sticks,aren't you feeling bad that Freddy appreciate the gift because of Kale not because of you?" she asked.

"Well i felt a little bad and sad,but i guess i have something to do nice for Kale even for once." i respond.

"The school said were having a lock in tomorrow night,are you ready?" i asked.

"Well...umm..." Tomika looked at me with uneasy look.

"What? don't you like talking about our secrets while we lay down at a grass floor at the campus' backyard?"
i asked her intently.

"I want too,but i don't tell anyone." Tomika came closer to my ear and whisper something.

"I can't sleep without pam lamb.." she said.

"Who's pam lamb,wait...we're not supposed to hide each other's secrets,who's this pam lamb you talking about? is she your ex-best friend?" i smirked.

"Don't take things too much out of the way,pam lamb is my stuff toy." she said kind of annoy.

" what's up?" i grinned.

"Don't you see? if kids around the school saw me with her they'll think i am baby!" she whimpered.

"Well you are one." I pinch her cheek playfully.

"Just hide her at your backpack and put her out when it's time to go to bed." i explained.

"Well i guess that works too.." Tomika nodded.

We paused for awhile when our milkteas arrived.

I was in the middle of sipping my milkshake when a message notification from my phone interrupts.

"Who's it?" Tomika asked.

"Hang on let me see." i respond as i took out my phone from my pocket.

"It's mom." i said.

"What did she say?" Tomika asked.

"Well,she told me to get home now because we are having a family dinner with my family's bussiness partners." i said.

"So should we get going now?" Tomika asked.

"Yeah." i respond.

We put down our unfinished milkteas and went out,Tomika's car is just infront of the milktea shop,so we got in and she give me a ride home.

After not so long ride way back home,i open the car door and headed outside.

"Bye Sum." Tomika rolled her window down.

"Bye Tomiks." I waved goodbye as i enter our gate.

I opened the door and heard some chit chatting people,i put down my bag at the sofa and head to the dining room

I saw my parents with their bussiness partners,they were chit chatting.

I interrupt their convo when i sit down at the right side of my parents.

"Oh here's our daughter Summer." my mom welcomed me to some strangers which is their bussiness partners.

"Our son might be here any minute now." the women check on her watch.

I heard the doorbell rings...

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