Chapter Eleven

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Summer and I went back to class with our hands holding,i smiled to her and nod as a sign.

"Go get him Summer."

I pat her back.


Summer said.


I saw a tiny smile and hope on Freddy's face.

"Can i ask you something?"

Summer said smiling.

"I wanted to say something,but it's crazy."

Freddy stood up.

"Will you be my girlfriend!
Will you be my boyfriend!"

They both said at the same time.

"Sounds crazy?"

Freddy chuckled.

"This is crazy."

Summer chuckled.

Everyone in the class gasped,but at the end they were all like Awwww FREMMER including me and the rest of the band.

"This is the proudest day of my life."

Zack wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Me too."

I patted Zack's back.

"So this is what's happening,it's awesome!"

Lawrence said.


Mr.Finn ran out of the room screaming Fremmer.

"Is he going to be okay?"

Zack asked while i lean my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sure he's not."

Me and Zack chuckled.


Everyone turned to me and Zack when Summer faked cough.


I asked.


Summer teased.

I rolled my eyes,i guess i didn't need the plan anymore,but i'll do the part where i sabotage Freddy's hair gels.


I am glad this two hooligans finally make up.

Freddy's POV
It's the most memorble day of my life when me and Summer become boyfriend and girlfriends,i didn't expect that after me and Kale broked up i easily fell into her.

She has that deep image that any boy will like,she's the only girl that i go crazy at,usually girls came to me and go nuts,but when it comes to her it's different.

She caught my heart,i was the one who's running after her,i thought i'll have Asher as my competition,but hopefully not.

It was lunch time when me and Summer sat together with the ress of the band.

"So how's the newly wed?"

Tomika winked as she sat down beside Summer.

"It's great,but feels weird because he was my first boyfriend."

Summer giggled a little.

Were talking to each other when Kale came up to our chair.

"Summer,Freddy! hey,i heard you guys already make up,i am happy for you."

Kale said.


Summer respond.

"By the way,i am really sorry for what happened about a month ago,i hope you forgive me,but congratulations guys."

Kale left our chair.

"So you guys planning anything for yoir very first date yieee!!"

Tomika said as she fangirled.

"I guess it will be great and comfortable if we have our first date with you guys,is that okay Summer?"

I looked at Summer.

"That would be great!"

Summer layed her head to my shoulder.

"How about let's do it,this Saturday."

Zack suggested.

"Okay as long as it is okay with Summer."

I looked into Summer and she nodded back.

We continue to eat our lunch while having a little conversation.

The bell rings and it's time for us to go back at Mr.Finn's class,me and Summer sat down next to each other.

"I'm glad you're back here Mr.Finn what tooked you so long?"

Tomika asked.

"Well....It's a long story."

Mr.Finn respond.

"Mr.Finn would you like to go with us this Saturday?"

I asked Mr.Finn.

"You guys how thoughtful of you,i wish i could but,i still have to run with the chickens this Sats."

Mr.Finn said.


Zack scratched his head.

"It's on my bucketlist."

Mr.Finn pulled out a list with bunch of nonsense things.

"I need to have a word for Freddy."

Tomika raised her eyebrow and walked towards me with her arms crossed as she walk around me.

"First of all,i don't want Summer getting hurt,Second i'll only fully let go of Summer if you really proved that you can take care and protect her,Third,don't you dare break her heart or i'll break your bones!"

Tomika smirked.

"Okay ma'am!"

I respond.


Tomika walk away from me and hugged Summer.

"Why are you crying Tomiks?"

Summer asked her.

"I was just so happy that you finally made your dreams come true,and i was all worried that after you got a boyfriend you'll forget about me."

Tomika continue to sob.

"Awww,you're really still a baby,don't worry you'll always be my number one chick and number one bestie."

Summer hugged Tomika even more tightly.


Tomika complained as they pulled away from each other.

Tomika wiped her tears away and smirked at me.

"I trust you Freddy boy."

Tomika pat my back and walk her way to her bass.

It's just the new beginning of me and Summer's road to our future....

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