Chapter Fourteen

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I smack him the chest for I don't know,because he kissed me.

"What was that for?"

Freddy laughed.

"For kissing me without my permission!"

I crossed my arms,but I admit I was blushing.

"You like it anyways."

Freddy laughs.

"No I don't!"

I hide my red tomato face.

"Don't hide it,you're blushing and I think it's cute."

Freddy came near to me and removed my hand from my red burning cheeks.

"Your cute."

He smiled.


I rolled my eyes,playing it cool.

The waiter came near our table and served our ice creams,i sat down in the chair in front of him and start eating.

"You're literally cute in that part."

Freddy said smiling.

"Whatever,just eat your ice cream so I can go home and never see your face again."

I said as I eat my ice cream as fast as I could,that's when a bite a big amount of ice cream that turned me tantrums.


I said as I try to get a tissue.

"That's why it's ice cream."

Freddy laughs as he took a half spoon from his ice cream bowl.

"Just wait for it,it will be gone."

Freddy said.

I ease the pain that the cold is producing,not long after it's gone he was right.

I continue to eat my ice cream slowly this time I tried not to make any weird eye contact with him because he's going to talk about the blush stuffs whatever.

I finished mine also Freddy's,he payed the bill and took my wrist.

"What's the hurry?!"

I slap his hand off my wrist.

"I have a family dinner,my mom said she wanna meet you now."

Freddy said nervously.


I panicked at the same time.

"I told you this is what I am worried about."

Freddy said.

"Okay, I look fine?"

I asked.

"You're fine."

He said.

He wiped the side of my lips and took me inside his car and we drive all the way to Freddy's house.

I was nervous like... I am gonna explode.

I dust off my clothes and went down the car following Freddy,his house was huge and fancy shmancy,you can tell by his looks.

"Let's go?"

He told me to wrap my hand around his elbow,as we entered I saw around 2 maids who opened our doorway,the house was so huge you can hear the echoes from the dining room.

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