Chapter Twelve

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Summer's POV
It was a Friday morning,i was about to go off to school when a caller ID popped out of my phone ringing.

I checked to see who was it and i saw Freddy's so i answered it.


Freddy greeted with his morning voice.

"Did you just woke up?"

I asked smirking on the phone.

"Kind of?"

Freddy replied with no sureness then chuckled.

"Well move your butt."

I chuckled.

"Okay Ms.Hathaway,see you in school."

Freddy said then he hanged up the phone.

After the phonecall,i rushed downstairs to get a waffle then ran off to the car.

After about 25 minute ride,i finally reached school,in the exact time Tomika arrived in her board.


Tomika removed her helmet.

"Come here."

I pulled Tomika beside me and pulled out a hairspray and fixed her messy hair.


Tomika smiled.

"So i'll get going see ya."

Tomika added,then she ran off to Mr.Finn's class.

I went to my locker and open my combination,i shoved in my books and take out my notes,reminders and the band's schedule.


I heard a voice from behind.


I turned around and greet him with a smile.

"Since you and me are new together,i wanted to treat you lunch."

Freddy said.

"That's sweet,thanks."

I shut the door of my locker and walk my way to Mr.Finn's class with Freddy.

"Look who's here."

Zack stood up raising his both arms and spun his arms in a circular motion.

"The newly wed couple."

Tomika joked.


Mr.Finn shoved his hair to the left side and gave us the "HEY" look.

"Oh hey Mr.Finn."

I greeted.

I followed Freddy right next to his chair and sat down.

Tomika's POV
It was a long hour and Summer had been ignoring me,she was with Freddy the whole time,but i guess i'll understand why because they're new,it's just a shot for a day without Summer.


I hope there's no catch at this one...

At lunch time,Summer and Freddy are sitting seperately to us Zack,Lawrence and I were the only ones who are left in our usual table.

I was kind of mad about Summer and myself too,if I didn't helped Freddy with Summer this is not going to happen and now not only our friendship is ruined,everybody is in.

"Tomika,are you okay?"

Zack asked with a concerned look.


I rolled my eyes and rest my cheeks on my right palm.

"Summer's ignoring me for about hours now since her and Freddy become boyfriend and girlfriends."

I made a loud thud at the table by slamming my face.

"Why don't you go and talk to her?"

Zack asked.

"Look how busy she's feeding Freddy!"

I raised my voice a little.

"She used to do that to me."

I pouted about to shed a tear.

"Maybe you have to adjust."

Lawrence said.

"No! Summer is my BFF/Sister/playmate/third mom."

I explained.

"She fixes my hair,she feeds me just like that,she cheers me up,she helps me with my homework,she cuddles me,she's the only one who has the right to get NEAR my face,but also my parents."

I added.


Zack and Lawrence said at the same time looking at each other.

"I don't know what to do if i loose her just like that."

I crossed my arms.

"You'll get used to it."

Lawrence said.


I grinded my teeth and stood up from my seat.

I went to Mr.Finn's classroom and sit down at my chair,i cuddled myself and mumbled.

"Tomika what's wrong? looks like you had a problem."

Mr.Finn came up to me and asked.

"It's Summer,she's been ignoring me for almost a day now."

I raised a little but put it back down my arms after.

"Tomika,why don't you give Summer a time for Freddy for a whole day- "

I cut him off.


I shouted and stood up at my chair again,i went to the bathroom and locked the door.I helped myself up to the bathroom's sink and started to cry,i held into the bathroom's sink with my both hands.

After about 10 minutes,i heard a knock from the door.

"Get OUT!"

I shouted.

"Tomika,it's Summer."

She respond.


I excitedly said,i wiped my tears away and went to open the door.

"Tomika,hey why are you crying?"

Summer hug me and i hug back.

"I thought you'll never notice me again after you and Freddy become boyfriend and girlfriend's,i'm still not yet ready to loose my BESTEST friend."

I hug her back with tiny sobs.

"Awwwww,Tomiks,i can't do that to you,i am sorry if i ignore you for almost a day now,it's just i've been a little busy about the band's next gig and Freddy and I's first date with you guys,were both planning it together,this Sunday i want you and me hang out at my house for a whole day!"

Summer said.

A sudden smile was formed in my face,sadness turned away,i felt like i have my bestfriend back,i feel so alive again like usual.


I pulled away and do the backpack boy dance then heard Summer giggled.


Summer lend out her pinkie finger.


I intertwined mine to hers.

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