Chapter Ten

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I went home having a huge relief from school,I was all what the heck,I startes to fix things for Freddy and Summer,so i wrote things that Freddy and Summer might be attracted on.

I decided i'll have a chase POV with him by sabotaging his hair gels at his locker,men that could be a good one for my youtube channel.

Titled:Parkour Chase POV Featuring.Sabotaged Hair gels and Freddy Anthony Jones.

I laughed a little and continue to my work.

The next day....

I woke up feeling the sunlight hitting my eyes.


I sarcastically said as i fall down my bed.

"Glad i am not."

I smiled faintly to myself and rushed to the bathroom.

I do my school's daily routine and run to the kitchen to throw Kenneth an apple.

(kenneth=Tomika's Big bro)

I grab my skateboard and my paper works from my room,and scooped my helmet at the top of our door,i run outside and hopped on my board.

About 15 minutes,i reached school.I grab my skateboard from my feet and went to my locker.

I saw Summer putting her things inside,i decided to gave her a decent good morning greet.

"Good morning Summer!"

I turned to her,but instead of responding back she walk away shutting her locker.

Dang,she must be also mad at me.

But i can talk to Freddy right?

I saw Freddy coming to Mr.Finn's class with her messy hair and messy tie? men that kid never messed everything especially his hair,how does he had the courage to do that!?


I run towards him but he shut the door quickly,i banged my nose at the glass door causing me tiny pains.


I rubbed my nose.

I saw Summer coming so i made chances.


I shouted but i was like a ghost to her,she shut the door too.

I saw Lawrence coming so i greet him in a friendly way.

"Hey Lawrence."

Instead of saying Hi,he slammed the door ignoring me too.


I grabbed his sleeve.

"Why are you mad at me??"

I asked.

"I was just following what you guys are doing,i don't wanna miss out like a few months ago when were supposed to be mad at Freddy."

He explained.


I let go of his sleeves and followed him inside.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Mr.Finn said as he put his two feet at the top of his desk.

Everyone stayed quiet for a long period of time,everything was so akward and weird.

"Anything happened guys?"

Zack asked.


Freddy looked at me with a death glare.

I compressed my back at the back of my chair and heavily sighed.

"Freddy Anthony Jones,i never see you messed your hair up like that,that only mean one thing."

Mr.Finn said.


Freddy asked coldly.

"No,you run out of hair gels,you and I should always take care of our hairs,only 2 out of 100 people who's blessed with this baby."

Mr.Finn said as he whipped his hair at the back.


Freddy said,he made a loud thud by pressing his face at the top of his desk.

"Can we talk?"

I asked Summer but she never budged,she didn't even turn around to look at me.

"What is happening guys! someone explain to me! i don't wanna be left out again."

Lawrence stood up from his chair and made his way out of the class.

"L-Train,where are you going?"

Mr.Finn asked.

"At the bathroom,walking out was so years ago,it's 20th Century,why should bother?"

Lawrence shut the door.

"Let's rock."

Mr.Finn stood up and grab his guitar but none of us budged.

"You guys looked like veggies that got boild for an hour."

Mr.Finn said in metaphor.

Everyone stood up from their seats and grab their instruments.

I plugged in my bass and and start making sound.

"Here's the chords and other things you need to learn."

Mr.Finn hand us out papers.


Freddy snapped his drumsticks coldly.

"Whoa,men what the heck."

Zack turned to him.

"It's just no use."

Freddy said sounding so cold and soggy.

Summer left her tambourine and walk away,i followed her and left my bass.


I grabbed her wrist.

"What! you have him,aren't you happy? i know,i was being all ridiculous,i know you've done a lot of great things for me,and i want you to have him now,i am letting him go for you."

Summer said.

"What the heck?"

I suddenly stopped.

"Summer,you don't understand."

I said.

"Understand what?"

She calmly said.

"Summer,i don't like him! i was actually trying to help Freddy to make things right for you two,Summer,Freddy don't like me so niether i,because he liked you."

I smiled.

"Summer,say something."

I hold her both hands.

"I'm sorry for doubting you."

She hugged me and i hugged back.

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