Chapter Five

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"Freddy." i touched his shoulder.

He messed his hair even more in frustration.

"I am sorry if i made things worst for you and Kale,i was just trying to help,but if you can't forgive me it's fine i understand." I walk away to my desk when Freddy grab my wrist.

My heart was beating so fast,i turned around and faced him.

"You don't have to do be sorry,it wasn't your fault,actually i should thank you." Freddy said.

"Really?" a smiled formed in my face.

"You don't have to blame yourself,you actually helped me out there.If you didn't gave me this sticks and if you didn't lied about Kale's message for me that anniversary would be meaningless." Freddy said.

"Anything for a friend." i respond.

He suddenly pulled me into a quick hug.

My heart was beating fast it's like it's going to explode any moment now.

I saw Tomika smiling sitting at her desk.

I smiled back at her and Freddy pulled away.

"Thank you." Freddy thank me for one last time.

"And how did you know i love this this?" Freddy asked.

"Google..?" i akwardly respond.

"Works too." he chuckled and went to his drum set.

He was playing his drums like a broke up never happened.

I continue to write at my blue notebook feeling guilty and happy at same time,i was sad for Kale too,i didn't mean it to happen.


At lunchtime,me and Tomika walk together to the caferteria with the boys except Freddy.

I was glaring at Freddy who was sitting alone at a bench beside a tree,i was feeling sorry about the break up with him and Kale.

"Tomika i'll be right back." i pat her shoulder and jumps out of the bench.

"Sure." Tomika respond and nodded.

I walk towards Freddy who looks frustrated,i sit beside him with my hands folded together.

"Freddy." i looked at him.

"Yes?" he turned around.

"Are you okay?" i asked.

"I am fine,no need to worries anyways."

Freddy said.

"I can give a shoulder to cry on?"

I said.

He suddenly rest his head into my shoulder and sighed deeply.

"Thank you Summer,for always being there." he smiled faintly.

My heart was beating fast like it's going to come out any second now,i feel so happy inside of me i was about to scream.

I hold my scream and scrunch my hands in my mouth.

"N-no problem." i held his head into my shoulder a bit more closer.

"Thanks Summer.." Freddy respond.

What i didn't know is that,the whole band was staring at us smirking especially Tomika.

Freddy suddenly removed his head from my shoulder and scratch the back of his head in embarassment.

I smiled faintly at him and wave goodbye.

I went back with the band's bench sitting beside Tomika with my hands folded in my lap fixing my palda.

"What was that?" Tomika said with her arms at the top of the table.

"What?" i asked.

"The Fremmer." She playfully punch my right arm.

"Were just friends." I shooked my head.

"And soon to be more than friends." Tomika shooked her head and turn to her food when Zack started talking.

"I feel down for Freddy." Zack said.

"Yeah me too." I added.

"Gotcha,Fremmer." Zack smirked.

"Say what now?" i was puzzled.

The conversation got interrupted when Lawrence went to our table and put his tray down.

"They got spaghetti?" Zack pointed at at Lawrence.

"Yeah." Lawrence sat down between me  and Tomika and started eating when the lunch lady came to the bench screaming.


"WHAT!?" Lawrence startled and spit the spaghetti all over my face.

"LAWRENCE!" i screamed.

"S-sorry,here's some napkins." he throw the napkins at my face.

I decided to clean myself beside a gabage can so that i won't make a mess.

"Here." i heard a voice from behind.

I turned around and saw Freddy handing me some napkins.

"T-thank you." i respond.

"Let me do it." he grab my hand and start wiping it.

My heart skipped a beat,my face was litterally turning red from all the blushing when he touched my hand.

He slowly wiped the right side of my cheeks his gently work makes me flutter.

I looked into his eyes deeply while he glare at me with his 24k smile.

"There." he throw the napkins at the garbage can.

"I'll go find you some clothes from the lost and found." he hurriedly went to the lost and found office.

"What a gentleman." i said quietly still blushing.

"Sooo..." i felt a pat on my back,i turned around and saw Tomika.

"Freddy will find you some clothes,what a gentleman,any girl like your age will fell inlove with guys who's a gentleman." Tomika teases.

"Shut up." i punch her arm.

I went to the bathroom and wash my stick arms and face.

I heard a knock from the door knowing it was Tomika.

"GET OUT!" i shouted.

"I brought you clothes?" I knew that voice was Freddy's.

"Oh..well...ummm...sorry!" i opened the door and get the clothed from his hand.

It wasn't a uniform but it was a pink top and a plain red skirt.

I went in one of the cubicle and wear the clothed that Freddy gave me.

I went out dusting off my palda,i turned to my left and saw Freddy standing.

"AH!" i startled.

"Why are you still here?" i asked.

"Well...umm..i was just about to...get my stuffs?" he akwardly said.

"You know beside you is the janitor's closet." i smirked.

"Well...I...uhh...MUST BE A MISTAKE!" he ran off.

What's wrong with that kid?


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