Chapter Nine

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I found Tomika shoving her things inside her locker,i approached her.


I shouted.

"Huh-uh! Freddy."

She turned around and saw me.

"What is it?"

She added.

"Well,i was wondering if you know where Summer went?"

I asked.


She shut her locker.

"I need to tell her something,i need her to know that i liked her too."

I said as i adjusted the lace of my backpack.

"Freddy,look you were a goodman,Summer and you will be a perfect match,so why don't you try to asking her to be your girlfriend."

Tomika said.

Tomika touched the both side of my cheeks and hugged me.

"She was in the school's rooftop you can let go now."

She irritatedly said at the end.

"Go get your girl! and make sure not to break her heart or i'll break your bones!"

Tomika added.

I nod and rushed up to the school's rooftop,i saw Summer sitting at the edge of the school building while hugging her textbooks.


I came near her and tapped her shoulder,she turned around and looked at me.

"Freddy hey."

She sheepishly wiped her excess hair at the back of her ear.

I offered my hand to her to grab,she held my hand and stood up from where she is sitting.

"Summer,i came here to tell you how i feel."

I held her both hands.

"Summer Breeze Hathaways,i like-

I was cut off when i saw Tomika from behind spying us,i accidentally shouted her name infront of Summer that totally changed everything.

"Y-you liked Tomika?"

Summer slowly let go of my hand.

"Freddy,look,I don't wanna waste my time liking a guy who doesn't even like me in the first place,I think let's just be friends for good,everything will he more complicated if we continue this,I guess were really not meant for each other."

Summer said.

"And It's fine,If you liked Tomika,she's my bestfriend,she done too many things for me,i wanted you to make her happy."

Summer walked towards the rooftop door and made her way out.

I saw her wiped her tear,I was all broken,I  wanted to tell her It wasn't what I meant,I like her...


I saw Tomika came rushing into me.


I respond coldly.

"Thanks for ruining everything.."

I stood up and made my way out of the rooftop leaving Tomika alone.

Tomika's POV
"What did i just do! I ruined Fremmer! STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!"

I smacked my forehead several times and followed Freddy down.

I realized this is the time for operation Fremmer....

HAahha too short but next chapter will be longer!

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