Chapter Twenty One

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After a week...
Summer's POV
Freddy is gone for a week now,he never answers my calls nor my texts,I tried to go to their house but their maid always said that they're away.

Maybe Freddy's parents had found out about my parents?

I was sitting beside my locker,i let out a big sigh while thinking deep.

"Summer are you okay?"

Tomika sat down and joined me.

"No I am not."

I said coldly.

"Do you want me to help you find him?"

Tomika leaned her head to my shoulder.

"That will be okay."

I said.

"The band won't stay if Freddy isn't here,lately Mr.Finn has to play electric guitar and drums at the same time."

Tomika said.

"Yeah... "

I sighed.

Tomika stood up and grab my wrist.

"Where are we going?"

I asked.

"To your boyfriend?"

She chuckles and pulled me outside the campus.

Tomika rode her skateboard while I follow her now walking,soon we reached Freddy's house's gate I pressed the doorbell and I saw one of their maids.

She opened the gate and asked me what do I need.

"Is Freddy there?"

I asked.

"No he isn't here."

The maid coldly said.

"I know Freddy is there."

Tomika said as she cross her arms.


Tomika call out really loud.

We heard someone coming down the stairs,and there I saw Freddy with a messy hair he was not wearing tops and only his shorts.


I smiled.

My smile fade away instantly when I saw a women beside him and starts to cuddle him.


I was about to tear up and hoping it was not what I am thinking.

"Who's she?"

I asked still in calm.


He got cut off by the woman.

"Freddy's girlfriend."

She smiled to me smirking,she turned to Freddy and gave her kiss that Freddy surprisingly kissed back.


Tomika raised her voice really high and loud.

"Y-you cheated on me?"

I started to tear up.

"Oh hi,who are you?"

Freddy said not in himself looking so drunk.

"I-i can't believe this... Y-you cheated on me.. "

I said in between chuckles and in tears.


Tomika shot them a death glare and leave with me.

We stopped on a bench near the park,i sat down next to Tomika,i let out all my anger.


I shouted crying,Tomika starts patting my back telling me to calm down.

"Summer,stop the crying,it will make you feel worst..."

Tomika said as she rubbed my back.

"Let's go home."

Tomika grabbed my wrist and put me at the back ride of her bike.

I was still sobbing,my eyes were puffy and my eyes are so red,Tomika and I is about to step in their house when I passed out...


I Open my eyes and saw Tomika beside me holding a towel and a basin of water is beside her.

"Are you okay now Sum?"

She asked.

"What happened?"

I asked.

"You passed out,turns out you have a high fever,i texted your mom already she told me to take care of you first."

Tomika said as she wipe my forehead.

"Thank you... "

I tried to sit up to give her a hug.

"Welcome,now go rest I'll be making you some soup."

Tomika said as she went downstairs.

I let out a big sigh,I was deep thinking while my heart is slowly getting crushed from the images that stayed earlier.

I teared up and intend to smile but it was no use,i wipe my eyes and tried not to feel sad but emotions are getting through my head.

I don't understand if I am happy or sad or angry,either...

After a few minutes I heard a screeching sound from the door,It was Tomika holding a bowl of soup.

"Eat up Sum,I don't wanna see you sick okay? Don't worry about him."

Tomika said as she handed me the bowl of soup.

I was on a blank expression.

"Summer,keep it together,i am here you can pass this I believe in you."

Tomika my best friend aka my sister and my mom,she stayed always beside me no matter what,everytime she hear something bad happens to me she always rush to my house in panic.

I cannot thank her so much,she's the the best best friend I had.

"Summer,I want you to smile always okay? That's my order!"

Tomika said as she raised her voice at the end of her phrase,I sniffed and gave her the best smile I have.


I chuckled.

I put down the soup at the top of the cabinet beside me.

I open my arms and gave Tomika a hug,we hugged each other so tight that one of us has to let go to breathe.

We do our handshake and laughed at each other as Tomika started making weird noises making me laugh,for at least a minute I forgot what happened thanks to my best friend who's always there beside me...

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