Chapter Twenty Six

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Around 5pm?? 

I closed my phone and went upstairs to get my spare clothes and change back on my attire.

"You're leaving?"

Tomika asked.

"Well I still have to fix something,see you later."

I put on my handbag and rushed outside.

"Stay safe on the way."

Tomika added as I nodded.


I opened the gate of our house and enter the door,I went upstairs to my room quickly and find my documents under my bed.

I arranged them together,I also searched for some tips when having a job interview and stuffs like that.

I went to their office last Sunday to apply,my documents are complete all I have to do is to take the job interview.

After 2 hours of looking through the internet for some tips,I decided to went outside for a jog,I wear my black leggings,white t-shirt topped with my grey hoodie and my black Nike shoes.

I tied my hair messy bun and put on earphones,I grab a towel and wrap it around my neck,It was around 8:30am I decided to run around the park when I bumped into someone.

It was Freddy...


He said as he looked away.

"Don't worry about it."

I faint smiled,I was about to continue my jog when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"You're hired,no need for job interviews."

Freddy said coldly.


I asked confusely.

"You signed up for our company right? Since I know you.. Well.. I decided to just hire you without giving you any interviews to lessen your worries."

Freddy said in a confident way.

"You're..The owner or Ainsoft?"

I asked him.

"I am,my dad's company is been manage by my younger brother Alejandro,my dad is retired."

Freddy said not bothering to look at me.

"Okay,thanks,Fred-I mean Mr.Huerta."

I let out my right hand and shake with him.

"Nice meeting you Ms.Hathaway."

Freddy said.

"So see you this Thursday for your first day."

Freddy smiled faintly.

"Congrats anyways."

Freddy added before leaving.

I sat down at the bench beside me after he left and stare at the hand which Freddy shook 25 seconds ago,I feel my heart skipped a beat when I saw him again just like before when we bumped at each other.

Does this mean I still like him?

I mean I can't do that,he cheated on me,I hate him,I don't like him anymore...

Keep in mind you hate him..

But what if I still like him after all these years?

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