Chapter Nineteen

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After a month...
Summer's POV
Me and Freddy kept our secret for a month now,and I feel a little comfortable now than before,i thought this will be bad.

I was watching tv in the living room while eating popcorn when my mom and dad sat infront of me and they said they wanted to talk to me,i was nervous but I tried to calm myself as soon as they ask the question.

"Summer,me and your mom wanted to meet Freddy's parents,tell them to come over tomorrow night for dinner okay?"

My dad calmly said.

I choked on the popcorn I was chewing when I heard what they said.

"You and Freddy's parents? Dinner tomorrow night? Wow... That would be great!"

I said with sarcasm.

"May I ask you what is Freddy's parent's work?"

My mom asked me.


I nervously raised my voice.


My mom smirked.

"I-i'll be i-in my room."

I rushed upstairs with my phone and started texting Freddy.

I told him everything and he was freaking out as me,i guess our secret won't last for long....

"We can't let them know,they'll probably want us to break up after they knew about this."

Freddy said on the phone.

"I am afraid I have to do this."

Freddy sighed on the phone.

"Summer,i love you and I will always be,we have to break up temporarily for our relationship's sake,don't you dare leave me okay? I love you so much."

Freddy said.

I started to tear up,my eyes are turning red from tiny sobs caused by my strong emotion.

"W-what do you mean?"

I asked.

"It's just temporary okay? We're getting back as fast as I can,our parents can't know,i always love you and I'll never leave you,i promise."

Freddy said.

"Why can't we just tell them that we broke up but in real were still together?"

I said.

"Summer,if we do that things will get a lot complicated."

Freddy said.

"So we're never going to meet or hang out ever again?"

I sobbed.

"I'll be with you often.. "

Freddy said sounding really down.

"Freddy explain to me what is going on I have plans too about thi-"

While I was talking,Freddy suddenly hang up his phone.

I wiped my tears away and layed down at my bed,i think there is other reason why he did that decision,maybe he wanted to break up with me for reals.

I was thinking for too long that I didn't realized I fall asleep already..


The next day,i woke up by the sun's sunlight,i stood up from my bed and rubbed my eyes,i went to the shower and start doing my morning school routine.

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