Chapter Thirteen

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Summer's POV
Before the day ends,the band try out a last rehears and we went out finally,it was kind of a long day but fun,i told Tomika that Freddy will take me home tonight and she said it's fine as long as she knew that she won't loose me,that kid,to worry about.

She might be tough and crazy like a guy but she has a heart of a caring,simple woman,those were the character traits i've wanted at her,she was one of those bestfriend materials.

She will be and only my bestest friend too....


I went to my locker and shove my things in,i packed my bag and slid it to my right shoulder.I looked for Freddy and saw him at his locker fixing his things when a bunch of pictures caught my eye.

"Is that me?"

I smirked.

Freddy turned around startled.


He suddenly panicked and pulled down the pictures.

"You have that since then?"

I asked.

"Well...Umm..Yeah? is it fine?"

Freddy scratched the back of his neck.

"Of course."

I giggled.

"Wanna go somewhere before i take you home?"

Freddy said as he intertwined his hand to mine.

"How about ice cream."

I said.

"That would be great!"

Freddy responded.

We both walk our way out of the campus with our hands intertwined to each other.

"Let's exchange places."

Freddy tried to pull me to his left.


I asked in confusion.

"Girls are supposed to be always at the left side of the guy when walking,because at right side that's where a lot of bad things,like for example it's raining you might get wet from all the cars that's coming."

Freddy pulled me to his left.

"Now you understand?"

Freddy looked at me.

"I guess?"

I shrugged.

As were walking farther from the school,the weather started to look bad.

"Looks like it's going to rain."

I said.


Freddy looked up the sky.

Not soon enough it did,good thing were on the sidewalk were there's this kind of concrete roof whatever,the rain is pouring really hard that it's flooding the road.

A car that's going really fast passed by us and shove us a huge amount of water.

Before it reach me Freddy removed his jacket and shoved me to cover.

Freddy let go but i saw all his clothes wet.

"Are you okay?"

He looked at me.

His hair is wet,i never saw it wet before,he looks a lot more cuter if he had his hair down...

"I am,thank you."

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