Chapter Twenty Five

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He was talking about his funny childhood moments that kept me busy for maybe more than an hour now,he made weird sounds that made me burst into laughter.

Freddy had never done this things for me...

I sighed for a moment and we take turns to tell our childhood funny stories,and of course I was having so much fun that I realize that it was already 9:30pm.

"Oh,it's already 9:30pm."

Asher looked at his watch.

"Oh you're going?"

I asked.

"Well yeah... My parents are away I can't leave the house for too long,anyways!"

Asher made a calling sign and went on his way out.

"Okay! Be careful."

I smiled.

I come back to my seat and sat down there with my cheeks resting at the top of my hand.


Tomika popped out of nowhere and gave me a smirk looking.

"Looks like you're having a little chit chatting with Asher."

Tomika smirked even harder and she start to ask me questions.

"I do,he's a funny guy."

I said as I smiled with my hand supporting my cheek.

"What's with the weird smile?" .

Tomika chuckled.

"Well,Asher is a funny guy he had a great goal to be a policeman,he likes chocolate milk,he always asks me about physics and algebra in 8th grade,he's the guy who put his jacket around me when I feel cold at the rooftop-"

I got cut off when Tomika gave me a shocked face.

"So you're telling me... Freddy isn't the one who is with you at our lock in?! It was Asher!?"

Tomika said in shocked.

"Yup. "

I respond.

Tomika grabbed my wrist and took me all the way upstairs to her room,she locked it and told me to sit down at her bed.

"What was that?"

I asked.

"Well...That is why I wonder why Freddy is up the rooftop at 1am talking to himself at the lock in at 8th grade."

Tomika said.

"And that's all you wanted to tell me that's why you took up all the way up here?"

I raised my eyebrow.

"Another one."

<DJ Khaled 😂>

Tomika sat down beside me.

"I saw Freddy walking on a jewelry store last Saturday he went out with a diamond ring-"

I shush her off.

"Why are you even telling me this? I don't like him and..and I will never like him again."

I lowered the tone of my voice at the middle part of my words.

"I mean I just wanted to let you know... I'm sorry. "

Tomika nod down.


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