Chapter Eighteen

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"Aren't we suppose to get ready for omake our date?"

Freddy removed his hands from cuddling me.

"I'll tell mom we can't stay for lunch."

I said.

"I'll be home first I'll pick you up in an hour."

Freddy smiled and kissed my forehead.

I rushed downstairs and went to my mom and dad.

"Freddy and I have a date today we can't stay for dinner,sorry mom and dad."

I bowed my head while talking to my parents.

"Oh is that so? Well you kids take care,don't stay up all day okay?"

My mom said.

"Make sure you always stay beside your boyfriend."

My dad said.

"Freddy,i'll give you my trust okay?"

My dad smirked at Freddy.

"Yes sir,i won't let you down."

Freddy smiled and waved goodbye at me.

He headed out to the garage and grab his car.

I rushed upstairs and start preparing I wear a medium sized heels,i wear a pink plain dress and I tied my hair in a high ponytail,i put on simple make up.

I opened my room door and I saw Candace standing infront of me crossed arms.

"Where do you think you're going Missy?"

She said in a sassy tone.

"You're not well prepared!"

She brighten up and pushed me inside back to my room.

"Pink dress shouldn't come up with medium height heels,wear a higher one,and untie your hair please."

Candace starts to tie my hair to a messy bun,she starts adding more make up on my face and made me wear jewelrys.

"There perfect."

She made me turn around the mirror and I was pretty impressed,she's good.

"Okay now some tips."

Candace starts grabbing a magazine from behind and started to read it.

"Okay step one:Always smile."

Before she continue with the next 29 tips I stopped her.

"I don't need that."

I said.

I stood up and look myself at the mirror when my mom called me downstairs,she told me my date is there.

I rushed downstairs and saw Freddy,he tooked off his glasses and grab my hand.

"Why looking so fresh"

I chuckled.

"Can't I?"

Freddy smiled and put his arms around me.

Freddy opened the passenger seat for me and started the engine,he started driving on our way to the restaurant.

"No offense,but what's your parents work?"

Freddy asked.

"My mom and dad owned a media company here in California but they're mostly away for a business trip,they're only home once a week."

I respond.

"Oh,my parents have the same job they also owner a media company here,that means.. "

Freddy stopped.

"Our parents companies are competition.. "

Freddy suddenly stopped his car.

"That can't happen!"

I raised my voice.

"But promise me you'll never leave me."

Freddy pouted.

"I super promise."

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Let's don't stress that out first,let's have fun first."

Freddy pat my back and continue to drive our way.

After a 20minutes ride we reached the restaurant,the band was there sitting in a long table.

Freddy intertwined his hand in mine before entering.


Zack shouted.

Everyone stared at him with a complete silence.

"Okay... "

Zack sat down beside Lawrence,me and Freddy sat down at the two chairs beside each other.

"Umm.. Okay guys you pick what you wanted it's my treat."

Freddy said.

While the band is picking,me and Freddy started talking about the problem between our parent's businesses.

"Trust me,as long as my parents and your parents don't know what's your and mine's job it will be fine."

Freddy said.

"So we're gonna keep it as a lie?"

I asked.

"We should,for our relationship's sake."

Freddy held his hand into mine and smiled.

"Do you think we can keep this thing a lie forever?"

I said nervously.

"Summer,whatever happens,happens we don't know exactly."

Freddy said.

"I am scared at this."

I said.

"I'm here,i won't leave you."

Freddy kissed my hand.

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