Chapter Six

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After lunch the bell rings,i walk with Tomika on our way back to our class,as usual i start checking the band's instruments and checking our schedule.

But Freddy wasn't on his usual,he used to play his drum kit after lunch but now he's just sitting in his chair writing on his notebook.

I felt bad for him,i guess the broke up really affect him.

"I feel bad for Freddy." i said.

"Look who's really concerned." Tomika said crossing her arms.

"Why wouldn't i be concerned he's our friend!" i raised my voice a little.

"I mean,Freddy and Kale broke up you had a chance on Freddy,it's limited time offer only." Tomika pat my shoulder.

"No it's not like that,it's not what i wanted,i didn't mean to ruin their relationship." i said.

"Now,i am gonna ask you do you still like Freddy?" Tomika asked.

"Well..uhh..i..i-i guess?" i respond.

"Don't you have feelings for him?" Tomika added.

"I do..But i don't wanna tell him,look how miserable he was." i pointed Freddy out.

"You're right,i guess Freddy needs some accompany,go girl." Tomika left and went to practice her bass.

I didn't bother talking to Freddy,instead i sat down at my chair and fix the band's schedule.

The last bell rings,i went outside to put my things inside my locker,i opened the door and glazed at my dream boy Freddy Jones' picture.


I heard a voice from the behind,i saw Freddy Jones standing there with a puzzled look at his face.


I quickly shut the locker's door and ran off,but then a strong grip stopped me.

"What was that?" Freddy asked.

"W-well,it was..umm...Zack's picture on my locker,yes his picture,i really have a huge crush on him for a long time now." i respond quickly.

"Say what?" Freddy widened his eyes.

"What?!" i added with my eyes widened.

"I mean...Yeah weird huh?" i grinned akwardly.

"Wow,i didn't know you like Zack,but don't worry,i'll let him know."

Freddy pat my shoulder then ran off.

"What did i just said?"

I asked myself face palming.

"'re so in big trouble." Tomika said coming out of nowhere.

"I know." i respond.

I sighed heavily and walk out of the campus with my bag with my shoulder.

I walk down the stairs and went in my mom's car,Tomika and i waved goodbye at each other.

I put on my earphones and listen to a music on the way home looking outside the window of the car.

We reached the house finally,i put down my bag and run upstairs to my room.

I layed down at my bed with my hands at the top of my stomach,i didn't even noticed that i already fall asleep.

PS sorry for short chapter! next chapter will be longer!

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