Chapter Eight

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I respond.

"Summer,you don't have to be afraid in telling Freddy how you felt,but mostly because i don't wanna get hurt anymore."

Tomika said as she rubbed the side part of her neck.

I decided to get her a pack of ice in the nurse's office to cool down the pain from her neck.


Tomika respond while placing the pack of ice at her neck.

"You feeling better?"

I asked.

"Kind of...Thanks to you."

She said sarcastically.

"I said i was sorry."

Tomika shooked her head and we both went to back to Mr.Finn's class.

Freddy's POV
"Where did Summer and Tomika go?"

Zack asked.

"Looks like...Ehem..Someone is finding Summer."

I faked cough.

"What? Summer? what's up with her?"

Zack asked with a puzzled look.

"I mean nothing!"

I sat down at my chair.

"You guys know i am not a real teacher,but walking away and breaking your friend's neck without my permission is really rude for an old man like me."

Mr.Finn spoked up.

"That's not the point,Summer has been acting really strange since the first day of class."

I said.

"She's always strange,i kindda notice it everytime she's around with you?"

Zack suddenly wondered.

"Say what? strange around me? why."

I asked.

"Well maybe she likes you?"

Zack respond with not a sure answer.

"Likes me?? dude she likes you!"

My tongue totally slipped through my words.


I said to myself.


Zack shouted.

"She told me,she likes you like,like,likes you."

I said.

That's when Summer and Tomika barged in the door.

"What is happening?"

Summer asked.

"You liked,liked me Summer???"

Zack asked desperately wanna know the answer.

"I am sorry,but,it's just i don't feel the same way,i hope you understand."

Zack nod down.

"F-freddy? what is this?"

She turned to me.

"Sorry,sorry if i told him that you like him."

I nod down at the same time.

"Freddy...Listen to me."

She put my chin up using her two fingers.

"Freddy,it's just...Ah..I how can i explain this,Freddy Anderson Jones,i don't like Zack."

She smiled.


I was shocked.

"Then,why did you tell me you liked him?"

I asked confusedly.

"It's because,i like you,like really really liked you,i don't have the couraged to tell you but i do now,i hope you feel the same way as i do."

She confessed.

"Y-you liked me? i mean wow,wow..I don't know what to say."

I respond still in shock.

"I just wanted to know that-

I was cutted off when the fire alarm starts to produce noise.


Tomika freaked out.

Tomika hurriedly get the fire extinguisher and pulled up the lever.


She screamed as she shoved the fire extinguisher left to right,right to left.

The rest of the class started panicking so do Mr.Finn.

"KIDS! go,go,this is the end of me,save yourselves."

He drammatically pat my shoulder.

The whole campus was in paranoria,when suddenly Clark appears out of nowhere holding a megaphone.

"Freddy! let's go let's move!"

He pushed me out.

The rest of the band follows except Mr.Finn.

As soon as all of the students got out,the fire department said it was a false alarm,so everybody can get back to their classes.

Everyone mumbled instead of celebrating that they're saved.

We went back to the classroom and we saw Mr.Finn laying down to his chair pretending to be dead.

"Mr.Finn wake up!"

Lawrence shake him awake.

"Am i....Dead?"

Mr.Finn rubbed his eyes as he tried to get up.

"No,Mr.Finn it's false alarm."

Lawrence said.

"Oh,i guess i acted too soon."

Mr.Finn stood up with his two feet and went to his chair.

The bell rings for the last class,i remembered what Summer said,i am ready to tell her how i feel.

I do feel the same about her since 1st grade,but i don't have the couraged to tell her.

I walk to my locker alone carrying my books.I tried to search for Summer but she's not in the campus.

I first look for Tomika,she might know where Summer go.

Do you guys have any idea where Summer go? find out at the next chapterrr!!

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