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It motivates the Author!

Hey guys,
This is a sequel to my earlier book "Slaves of Persia " please read the 1st book to enjoy this story!

Thank you,


The first week of January at the New Delhi Railway Station, the situation there was chaotic with the first spell of fog engulfing the city that morning, many inbound trains were delayed for over two hours due to low visibility. That cold Sunday morning saw many passengers waiting for their respective trains, many of the other people standing on the platform number two were waiting to receive their near and dear ones who were travelling by the Tamil Nadu express train that was scheduled to arrive at New Delhi railway station by six in the morning and was delayed by over two hours. There was continuous announcement going on, that went unheard. 'We must sue these authorities, I must tell you, this problem of trains getting delayed due to fog happens every year and the railway authority does nothing to solve it' said one of the men gathered there, who were waiting on that platform, that morning wearing thick woolens. With their breath vapors oozing out of their mouth while they spoke, many preferred to take a stroll along the long platform to keep themselves warm, some preferred to sip the hot tea sold by a young boy holding a kettle with one hand and few use and throw earthen cups with other hand and was shouting, 'Chai....chai (Tea)'

It was around nine, when there was another announcement, 'Tamil Nadu express train will be arriving shortly on platform number two' Those who heard the announcement, began passing on the information to those who were curious to find out when the train was going to arrive but could not hear. As the announcement was still going on, once could hear the train's honking and those standing near the edge of the platform could see the engine with it's  headlight on and was making it's way to the platform.

There was a huge sign of relief on the faces of those waiting for more than two hours in the cold freezing temperatures. As the train halted, one by one, the passengers started getting down the train. In them there was a tall young girl, who too was de-boarding the train with much uncertain thoughts and fear that was clearly visible on her face.

I need to be strong...

She kept telling herself and was recollecting the incidents that she encountered a week earlier. 

The young seventeen year old Meera was being taken care by her Nanny, whom she addressed her as Granny. It was that fateful morning, a week ago, when Meera saw her Granny still lying on her old cot. 'Granny wake up! It's already seven and you'll be late for work' said the teenager pushing her Granny. There was no movement causing the youngster to panic. She ran to the house where her Granny worked as a maid. 'Tulsi! Help me please' pleaded Meera. Tulsi was the twenty year old daughter of the Zamindar (Landlord) of that tiny village where Meera's Nanny worked as a maid and earned bread and butter for them both.

Tulsi, was a very friendly girl always happy in the company of Meera whom she felt like her younger sister. Hearing Meera, Tulsi walked with her towards the small cottage where Meera lived with her Granny. Checking on the old lady Tulsi said, 'Meera I don't think Granny is breathing, but you don't worry, I'll go bring the doctor to check on her, may be I am wrong'

Meera could not believe Tulsi's words, she sat besides her Granny's cot and kept staring at the old Granny, who appeared to be sleeping. 'Please help my daughter Meera, last week I got a letter from my daughter Jamuna, she is in deep trouble....she has no money too!!' Meera recollected her Granny's last words the night before they went to bed. 'I promise you Granny, I will earn money and give it to Jamuna!! I know you miss her a lot, you sacrificed all your life for my sake, I will definitely take care of Jamuna!!' she said holding her Granny's cold stiff palm with tears continuously flowing down her cheeks. Tulsi stood looking at the doctor, who was checking the old lady's pulse, while Meera still kept seated down besides the cot leaning on to the wall with her eyes closed. She knew her Granny's days ended. The cold still palm was clear cut indication of her lifeless body. 'I am sorry Tulsi, the lady is no more' declared the doctor and left the cottage.

Tulsi was besides Meera the whole time, trying to console her. The neighbours gathered by afternoon and by evening the old lady was cremated as per Hindu rituals. It was around five in the evening, Meera was alone in the cottage, she used to live alone sometimes while her Granny went for work at the Landlord's house but this time it was different, her Granny would never come home. There was nobody to console her, she kept crying the whole day and was missing her Granny terribly. Tulsi went back to her home to get some food for Meera, when suddenly the Landlord appeared in front of her eyes knocking on the open door of that one room cottage.

'I heard the old lady passed away, I am sorry to hear the news' he said standing next to Meera, who just got up on her feet seeing the fifty year old man walking in.

'Hmm.....' said Meera. She could not say anything more and just stood wiping her tears. She was shocked to feel the touch of the Landlord's warm hand on her shoulder.

'You see, I am here for you, you don't have to worry for anything!! I will give you the needed money, everything.....only thing you have to do is to satisfy me whenever I need you' he said pressing her shoulders with a wicked look on his face and was trying to force her into giving him a hug.

'Appa (Father)!! what are you doing?' Questioned Tulsi who just then entered in holding a platter with food--shocked with her father's action, she froze for a minute.

'You stupid girl, how dare you ask me to satisfy you?' said the Landlord pushing Meera aside, 'You Tulsi, stay away from this stupid girl' he said in a loud voice making it very clear to Tulsi that he was trying to hide his wrong action and he walked out of the cottage.

Tulsi knew her father's nature very well. He never was home at nights and if he by any chance stayed back home, then he would spend his night drinking. Meera was petrified by the landlord's behaviour, she never saw this side of him, while Tulsi knew her father always ogling Meera right from the time she reached her puberty, causing changes in her body.

'You just ignore my father's behaviour Meera, I know you are not that type of a girl', said Tulsi hugging Meera, who could not stop crying after that incident. Convincing Meera to eat the food she brought from home, Tulsi kept thinking how to protect Meera from her father. As Meera finished eating a bit of food, Tulsi said, 'that's like my good sister' she said, paused for few seconds, and then continued 'you know Meera, I think you don't have any good opportunity to earn your food here any more, so I have a plan....... just meet me at the Temple gate tonight at eight!' Meera shook her head in agreement,  hearing Tulsi and sipped some water to reduce the hiccups that started with the first bite.

Tulsi told her mother about the plan to help Meera and her mother agreed with it. They both knew what circumstances she was going to face if she stayed there for another day. The mother and the daughter hated the landlord but could hardly do anything due to the social pressure.

It was around seven thirty when the landlord arrived back home, holding a bottle of whisky. He sat down on his favourite rocking chair in his living room and started drinking. Ten minutes later three-fourth bottle was empty and he fell asleep on the chair. Tulsi walked to the chair and tried to wake him. 'He's sleeping', she whispered and walked back to her room. Picking up her bag that she already kept ready all packed with her clothes and waving goodbye to her mother, Tulsi left the house to reach the temple. Village roads were already deserted with the noise of frogs and crickets that was heard loud and clear-- she kept walking along the road and reached the temple where Meera was was waiting for her since thirty minutes.


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