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Meera's P.O.V continues.....

Who is she talking about? It's the old age that is making her believe that it's someone else.
I thought standing there.
'Let's go Meera. My GGM is too old to be rational. Can't expect also you know, she sometimes loses her memory' Didi explained. I too felt the same. We both walked out switching off the lights after Didi saying 'Baah you take rest. We will talk to you tomorrow'

'Come on girls let's have dinner' Didi's mother said and we followed her to this huge fifteen or twenty seater dining table where all the cousins and older generation of Didi's family were already waiting for us.

'Come here Meera, sit besides me' Ashok said tapping on the empty chair next to him.

'Behave Ashok, Meera already has a boyfriend and he's too possessive about her' Didi said making me too embarassed in front of all of them.

'Didi what are you talking?' I whispered in her ear elbowing her waist lightly.

'I know what I am talking, I told you earlier too that Mister Rahul loves you' Didi whispered near my ear.

'What are you both discussing about?' Ashok asked.

'I was just telling Meera that I wish her boyfriend too was here' Didi said settling on one of the empty chairs 'go on Meera have a seat' she said giving me no other option but to sit next to Ashok since that was the only empty chair available.

'So what's your boyfriend's name?' Ashok asked me.

'He's Mister Rahul Oberoi' Didi answered.

Oh god Didi is making it official.

I thought trying to hide my face with my left palm while I was holding a spoon with my right fingers.
Why is Didi giving so many details? If he finds out that I'm using his name here...then he's going to think that I'm a mean bad person and what not...

While I was still busy with my thoughts all others seated over there were busy discussing about the wedding prepations that which I hardly grasped. All my thoughts were on Rahul sir. I was feeling somehow odd, restless, was not able to swallow the food too.

'What's the matter Meera? You are not eating at all?' Didi's mother asked me and I lifted my head up to look at her 'it appears you did not like the taste of it' she continued.

'Or may be she's missing her Mister Rahul Oberoi' Ashok said making the youngsters giggle with his comments.

Missing? Am I really missing him? No it can't be...

'No it's nothing like that' I replied very superficially.

Somehow I finished eating with occasional nodding and faking a smile with the jokes they all were cracking. Deep down my thoughts were on Rahul sir what if they say is right? Am I truly in love with him? Why am I unable to feel it? There were numerous, unending questionnaire that I was struggling to handle.

'Come with me Meera. We both will share the same room.' Said Didi.

'Oh yeah dear, Sandy's room is more comfortable and convenient too with attached bath' Didi's mother added while I was walking towards the stairs following Didi.

'Okay Aunty, good night' I said before turning back to climb the stairs.

'Sweet dreams Meera...do dream of Mister Rahul' Ashok teased.

Entangled {With Slaves Of Persia} (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now