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Getting down the train, Meera kept looking here and there. She was too scared that was clearly visible in her eyes. The tall, beautiful girl attracted many on goers, 'madam shall I help you?' Some asked her just to spend a few minutes with the most attractive girl and few others just wanted to enjoy her beauty and were following her,  she was nothing less than a celebrity.

'No thank you sir' she answered politely to each and every one who approached her. Tulsi's Aunt told me to go through the first platform and exit the railway station... Meera recollected. Tulsi's Aunt gave her the directions along with three thousand rupees. She was a good lady who loved helping those in need.

Searching for the exit, Meera walked out of the station shivering a lot due to the freezing temperature. "madam come with me, I will take you wherever you want' said some of the auto drivers mocking her completely. What's the matter with these people, some are as old as my father...

The thought of her father made her bright face dull, instantly.

Meera was warned by Tulsi's Aunt not to trust these people, instead search for the one who appeared more reliable. Not replying to anyone, Meera walked a little farther where she found an old Auto driver. I think he's better, she thought looking at him and asked, 'sir could you take me to the Working Women's Hostel?'

'Oh yes bitiya (girl child), just a second' said the Auto driver sipping hot tea standing in front of a small road side vendor who sold tea and biscuits. Finishing it he said, let's go bitiya'.

Meera boarded the auto to reach the Hostel which was advised by Tulsi's Aunt to stay there and search for a job. Passing through the foggy roads, she noticed the traffic to be in a snail pace mode--the wind was chilly making Meera shiver, with her hands and feet turning cold, that thick shawl wrapped around her lean body did no good but still she tried her best to handle the weather which was her first experience. An hour later the auto driver stopped in front of a two storey building with the name written in big black bold letters WORKING WOMAN'S HOSTEL, on the building.

'There you go bitiya, we reached the place you asked for' said the old driver who covered himself with thick woolens around his lean body and wore a cap to cover his bald head.

'How much do I need to pay you sir?' Meera questioned very innocently.

'It's two hundred rupees bitiya' the driver replied.

'Oh my God!! Two hundred is too high sir!' Meera exclaimed.

'I know bitiya, what can I do? I have a large family to take care, moving to this big city was a mistake I did' he justified.

Meera understood the value of money in one's life, so without saying anything further she paid him off and entered in opening the small black gate. Entering in she found beautiful flowers on either side of the walking path that brightened her face instantly. She loved flowers a lot.

Enjoying the beauty, she slowly walked towards the main door of the building. Climbing two steps she reached the glass door. Opening it she found a small wooden counter with a middle aged woman seated behind it knitting and was looking at her from behind those thick broad glasses that harboured on the bridge of her nose.

'Yes what do you want?' asked the lady behind the counter who was still knitting.

'Madam, can I get a room to stay?' Meera asked her.

Putting aside the wool the lady bent down to pick up a book that appeared heavy. She lifted it and placed it on top of the counter. Turning few pages here and there, she kept mumbling. 'Oh yes, there's a room available but you have to share it with another girl' said the lady.

'Oh that's not a problem for me, I would be happy to share the room' Meera replied with enthusiasm.

'You need to pay four thousand Rupees in advance' said the lady closing the book.

'Oh my God! I don't have that much money right now Madam, can I pay thousand now and remaining later?' Meera sounded desperate and helpless.
'Okay, come here whenever you have four thousand to pay in advance, now come on leave' said the lady very rudely.

Meera could not believe what she heard. With no place to go, no one around whom she knew there, her eyes were instantly getting filled up with tears.

'Oh come on Ruby, I'll pay the balance amount, let the girl stay, where will she go now? It appears she's new to this city!!' Meera heard a sweet voice from behind her making her turn back to check who that was. A good looking girl who was a bit shorter than Meera walked towards the counter.

'Hello there, I am Sandy' she extended her arm introducing herself.

'Hello Sandy, I am Meera, Meera Trivedi' She replied shaking the hand.

'Why do you want to take the risk Sandy?' Inquired the lady who was again busy with her knitting.

'Oh come on Ruby, I know whom to trust and whom not to. This girl looks trust-able' Said Sandy with a smile.

'Okay, it's totally upto you!' said Ruby and turned to Meera 'now girl take this form and fill it up' and placed the form in front of Meera. Filling it up, Meera paid one thousand while Sandy filled up the remaining. 'Thank you so much Sandy, I'll return the money as soon as possible' said Meera.

'No problem at all Meera. You are like my younger sister, so don't feel any obligation' Sandy was a good human who loved helping those in need. Meera was lucky to get in touch with Sandy too just like she was helped by Tulsi and her Aunt.

'By the way Sandy you will be sharing the room with Meera from today' informed Ruby.

'Oh that's even great then, I am so happy to have you as my roommate!' said Sandy 'Come on, follow me Meera' she said walking towards the stairs that lead to a corridor. Unlocking the door of the last room on that floor, Sandy welcomed Meera. Scanning the room Meera noticed an empty bed near the only window of that moderately big room 'Can I take that bed?' Inquired Meera.

'Oh yeah that's the vacant one, it's all yours now' smiled Sandy.

Placing her luggage on the bed, Meera inquired, 'I need to use the washroom, where is it?'

'It's over there, this is the only room with attached bath and toilet so the rent is a bit high' Sandy explained.

Pulling out fresh clothes from the bag, Meera ran into the bathroom.


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