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Author's P.O.V. Continues....

With the passionate kiss going on Meera suddenly recollected that

I wanted to be away from all this in my life....am I so weak

The thought made her push Rahul away from and he lost his balance with his butt hitting the floor. 'What the fuck?' He said

'Sir right now I am not ready for any commitment and please don't try to seduce me' she said very seriously.

'Come on Meera. You enjoyed the kiss and this is unfair on your part to say so' said Rahul who felt a bit set back when he heard Meera.

'Please try and understand sir. I have a promise to fulfill and I am very close to my target. Please don't force me sir' Meera pleaded.

'Okay, fine. I'll wait for you to get ready. Anyways you are still very young' said Rahul standing on his feet. And he walked out that very moment.

I do not wish to hurt her feelings anymore. I will give her some time to realize that she too loves me..

The thought pacified him. Taking a hot water bath he ordered food that he presumed Meera too would like. Meera too entered the shower getting completely naked and stood under the hot shower trying to relax her body as well as her mind. The sexual urge was strong in her. No...cannot even dream of enjoying....no...no she tried convincing herself tapping her cheeks.

Taking bath she changed into a nightware and lied on the bed.
What's going on with my life? One side I am wanting to live life like a normal person, on the other hand the moment I feel to be normal I immediately recollect the prophecy and I lose interest..

Meera kept thinking about her mismatched feelings. Her eye lids were getting heavy while she yawned every now and then. Her thoughts kept her so much busy that she lost awareness of her surroundings. Rahul opened the interconnected door and said 'Meera come on dinner is ready. Let's eat' but there was no response.

He walked closer to her to check if she was sleeping. I knew it...she's already asleep....but I won't accept this. She has to eat or else she'll end up sick soon..

Rahul was persistent in his thoughts since he believed it did no harm to her.

'Meera wake up' he said pushing her shoulder.

'Hmm...' said Meera and turned to face Rahul, she could barely open her eyes and somehow managed to push away the duvet she was covering herself with but unknowingly revealed her firm breasts protruding from the nighty and she tried to sit up straight with her eyes partially open while she was unaware that her clevage was attracting  Rahul greatly making him think her as an Aphrodite. Unable to sit, Meera again lied back on her bed and dozzed off in split second.

I am not like everyone else. I cannot and do not wish to take advantage of a weaker human than me...

He thought and pulled the duvet back covering her till her neck. Later he ate dinner alone in his room watching some television program. He then ordered a glass of warm milk for Meera. Within few minutes the milk was served in his room. Holding the glass he once again entered Meera's room. 'Wake up Meera' he said few times. Meera opened her eyes and said 'let me sleep please. I am too tired' her voice was just like a young girl throwing tantrums.

'Stop all that nonsense Meera. Come on now hold the glass and drink the milk' yelled Rahul at her. His words made an impact on her and she emptied the glass in one gulp.

'That's good. Now you can sleep' he said switching off the lights.

He then recollected the words once she told him about being scared to sleep alone. How can I leave her like this alone. He thought and walked back to his room. Locking the door of his room properly, he took his duvet to Meera's room and joined her in the same bed. Covering himself he too fell asleep that very moment. Even though his conscience mind was opposing, his body was aching for her touch.

Entangled {With Slaves Of Persia} (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now