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Hi everyone,  I somehow managed to update. Hope you'll find it interesting. Please don't forget to vote and comment too after reading it.
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Author's P.O.V continues....

Vikram, his brother Vinay and family gathered in London to attend the wedding of their cousin sister's son who lives in London. It was during that time Rahul and Meera were kidnapped and now they both reached London to attend the wedding which was postponed for a couple of days since they all wanted Rahul return home safely and the groom Suraj insisted to get married only after Rahul returns home. Rahul on the other hand planned to take Meera with him to the wedding after his meeting in South Africa so that he could introduce his love to all of his relatives formally and before that he planned to propose his love to Meera.

'All the plan is very much disrupted' Rahul expressed his disappointment to his cousin Suraj, seated in his cousin's car after he somehow managed to evade answering the journalists in his bossy tone,  'no comments'

'You are back safe and sound bhai, that's more than enough for us all. Also you can plan everything again and I'm sure this time you would definitely be successful' Suraj suggested trying to motivate while driving Rahul back home from the Airport leaving Vikram and Vinay at the Head Office of the Police Department, since they both wanted to convey their gratitude in helping Rahul release from his captives and brought him back home safely.

Sometime later Suraj and Rahul reached home with the Ambulance too just entered the premises of Suraj's huge mansion where he lived with his parents and his younger sister Tara. Meera was still sleeping when they lifted her on the stretcher and helped her lie down on a bed on the first floor with the help of two attendants who were with her in the ambulance.
Leaving the door of that bedroom ajar, all of them walked downstairs with curious eyes wanting to know who the girl was. Pinky and Tanya already know who she was and so Tanya was about to speak but Pinky gestured her not to say a word and keep quiet since Pinky wished to hear what explanation Rahul would give for bringing his personal assistant to this marriage.

'I will explain everything to everyone. First let me introduce the sleeping beauty., she's Meera my love' Rahul said shyly with all his cousins, Uncles and Aunts, looking at him with wide open eyes but were pretty eager too to find out more about this mysterious girl Meera, except Pinky and Tanya.

'Wow Rahul, I never thought you would fall in love' said Nina, Rahul's Aunt who's son Suraj was to be married.

'I knew you loved her' said Pinky hugging Rahul tapping his back. His answer cleared out all the speculations Pinky had in her mind.

'Wow! Bhai, never thought you would fall in love and that too with such a lovely girl' Tanya was a little bit surprised learning about the facts. One after the other all his other cousins showed their happiness by hugging him. Sometime later when Vikram and Vinay were back home, they too were informed 'I knew about this son. Pam and I discussed about your interest in Meera and were sure that you loved her' said Vikram embracing his son.

'Yes me too Rahul. Kaka identified Meera's picture and I knew that you were attracted to her and so I thought why not give her an opportunity and so appointed her as your assistant, since that was the best way to keep her close to you' said Vinay revealing the plan that he and his brother Vikram had from the beginning.

'Oh my gosh....so much of a planning was going on behind my back. Please tell me if Meera too is involved in this plan of yours' Rahul asked trying to figure out if all this was to make him dance according to their tunes.

'No son, Meera doesnot know anything at all, she's innocent. We just tried to cash in her need, that's all. I was actually very worried about you and was getting all sorts of weird thoughts sometimes making me feel that you were gay because of the way you reacted with women!' said Vikram.

'Come on dad' Rahul said surprised by his father's words.

'You see I am bit old fashioned so my thoughts would be in this way only. I am not against anyone but still I haven't accepted the current trends' said Vikram.

'That's okay dad. I hope you are now happy to find out the fact? Anyways enough of this discussion. I'll go check on Meera, I hope she's awake, it's already seven and she has to eat something' Said Rahul and walked away to check on Meera. Opening the door he found her still sleeping. He walked in to have closer look at her, he noticed her eyes were sucked in with black circles forming around them and she appeared very weak. He doubted if it was okay to wake her up or wait until she wakes up on her own. Not wanting to disturb her, Rahul walked out leaving the door ajar after a few minutes of debate within himself as a part his subconscious mind was very eager to introduce all his relatives to her but his other part was too concerned about her which won the debate.

All the family members gathered at the dining table for dinner and were all discussing about the marriage, some busy on checking on guests list, girls were busy discussing about their dresses and makeup. While the other bachelor cousins of Rahul were planning on having a bachelor's party the next day. Rahul had no interest in participating in the discussion. All his thoughts were on Meera.
She must be hungry...she already looks so weak... he thought take a bite of the food served to him. After dinner Rahul and his other cousins settled in the living room to watch a movie while Rahul was not interested in it either but all his cousins insisted and he accepted. Leaving the bachelors, all other family members left to their respective rooms to take rest.

Meera opened her eyes and found herself lying on a huge bed with the room dimly lit. She slowly regained the awareness of her surroundings, this is not my bedroom....where am I...is it Rahul Sir's home? She wondered looking at that large beautiful bedroom. She then recollected her past where she once woke up similarly in a bedroom. The thoughts disturbed and scared her,  with the experience of those kidnappers threatening and all being very fresh added to her fear. With the fear still active, she got out of her bed to reach the door that was ajar. Her eyes kept wandering here and there. Walking out of the room, she found a small corridor with two closed doors on either side. She was hesitant to knock on them, instead she slowy walked ahead towards the stairs. Getting down those stairs slowly, she heard some noises of loud laughs and turned towards that direction. The sight scared her much more. There she found a bunch of young men drinking, and laughing watching the huge television mounted on the wall with their backs facing her. Suddenly one of them turned back to pick up a beer bottle and kept looking at her for a minute.

'Bhai, look who's there?' Said Arun lightly elbowing Suraj who was sitting next to him. Suraj turned back and elbowed other cousin seated next to him. One by one all them turned back and Rahul was the last one to turn.

Seeing Rahul, Meera ran towards the other end of the living room to reach him. He instantly grabbed her and made her sit on his lap surrounding his arms around her waist while Meera too surrounded her arms around his neck. 'Don't be scared Meera. All these stupid and ugly looking people are my cousins' said Rahul with a smile. All his cousins were shocked to see how Rahul's behaviour changed all of a sudden. He till then was very serious even when they were watching a comedy movie.

'Come on Meera let's go from here, you must be hungry?' said Rahul lifting her in his arms.

'Did you notice how bhai's expression changed?!' said Arun after Rahul left the living room.

'No wonder this girl is truly magical, she has changed him from stubborn angry man to soft loving person!!' Suraj added.


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