Chapter One

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June 10

*b-ring, b-ring, b-ring* "Ugh, my stupid alarm! Wait. Yes! Today is the day! I will finally be living with Jonah!"

I get out of my bed and get dressed. I make my bed and rush down stairs. "Good Morning." Mom said. "Hey mom. What's for breakfast? Also when is the flight?" "One pancakes, and two the flight is at three o'clock." Mom said.  " Thanks mom. " I said. "Um, where is Svea, Esther, and Zebulon?" "They are in their rooms," Mom said.

After breakfast I went to my room and called my friends to hang out with them for the last time for a very long time. We hung out for a while. After I hung out with them I went home and played with my siblings for the last time. I'm going to miss them. 

When it was time to go, mom drove me to the airport. When it was time to board the plane I said bye to mom. I boarded the plane ready to start over and have an adventure.

A couple of hours later I arrived in LA. The saw Jonah with a sign that said his nick name for me, Cinna-Mon. I ran into his arms without warning. He nearly fell over, but barely kept his balance. "Um I don't think I am who you are looking for. Sorry." "I guess my brother, Bear  isn't you. Sorry for the mix up." I acted. With that Jonah looked at me and pulled me in for one of his famous hugs. "Sorry Mon." He apologized while hugging me. "Its okay Bear. I didn't give a heads up." I said reassuringly. "How about we get your stuff and go home?" Jonah said with smile, letting me go. "Sounds amazing." I said with smile.

After we got my luggage we headed for his house, and my new home. 

We just sat in peaceful silence until Jonah asked me how my flight was. "It was fun. I mean it could have been a little more, um, like less exciting." I said. "How was it too exciting? Wouldn't that make it better?" Jonah asked getting a confused look. "Well, there was this kid behind me that at first started kicking my seat until I got up and asked him to stop, and I gave him a poutey lip. Then he said "Okay i'll stop.". Then I thanked him. After a while he was walking to i'm guessing was the bathroom, and stopped next to me then said, "I think you are really cute, and I was wondering you would like to go on a date with me after the flight?! By the way my name is Josh." And he put his hand out. I shook his hand then said, 'I'm Monica, and sure I will go on a date with you.' then I gave him my number and said, 'Call me and tell me where to go , and what time. It can't be immediately after the flight though, because I just moved here, and I have to settle a little bit. Also I have to get ready for the date.' He then said, "Anything for you beautiful!'' Next I said, 'Thank you Josh." with a smile. That made him blush, and then he just walked away.'' "Wow. That was a lot. Are you actually going to go on that date though?" Jonah asked. "Why wouldn't I?'' I asked shocked. "Well i mean how old was he?'' Jonah asked. "He seemed about  twelve." I said. "Well don't kiss him." Jonah mumbled. "I know.'' I said with a duh tone. Jonah laughed at that, and that made me laugh. We laughed for the rest of the trip.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I personally think it is not to shabby. But you might think different so. I read the comments so please no hate. Also I love WDW so no criticism on them ore me. If you don't like this than you can simply stop reading.

 I feel like I sound stuck up. I'm sorry for that. 

Anyway I hope you all have a TREMENDOUS day! 

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