Chapter Three

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 I finished unpacking my shoes and clothes, and went on my phone. It was about twelve thirty when I finished. I got a text from Josh.

Lil' Joshy: Hey Beautiful! 

   Beautiful Monica: Oh hey Josh. Whats up?!

Lil' Joshy: Nothing much, I'm just excited for the date!!!

  Beautiful Monica: Me too!

Lil' Joshy: Well I will c u then<3

  Beautiful Monica: C U then.. <333


I put my phone in my back pocket and went down stairs. "Hey?!" I yelled walking into the kitchen. Nobody was there. I went to the living room, and the entrance way. Then finally I went down stairs. Nobody was there either. I got nervous. What if some crazy fan kidnapped them?! I went in the backyard. "Bear! Daniel! Bean! Zach! Jack! Why Don't We boys! Where are you?!" I didn't notice a tear escape from my eyes as I looked more. More tears kept coming faster, harder, as they streamed down my face. "Guys where are you?!" I had panic in my voice as I was yelling at the top of my lungs. 

Just then I felt someone grab me. "Let me go! What did you do to my brother and his friends?!" I screamed. "Monica! It's me. Jonah. The boys are over there." Jonah said turning me around. I looked at the boys who looked mortified at the fact that I was screaming and crying. Daniel rushed over to me. He grabbed me and held me in his tender arms. It was at that moment I felt the most safe in a long time.I was crying in his chest. Jonah pried him off me and took his place. 

"Why were you screaming and crying Monica?" Jonah asked me while rubbing my back. Everyone was around me looking at me for the answer. "I-I-I thought you g-guys were gone. Like kidnapped or something." I sniffled. "Why would you think we were kidnapped or something?" Jack asked me. "When I was six or seven my friend came over to have a play-date. I went to the bathroom. I thought she was in my room, so I went to my room. When she wasn't there I thought maybe she went to the kitchen to get her juice. When I went to look for her I saw the front door was open, and since I was more curious than George I went outside. I looked everywhere. I told my mom I couldn't find her. Since she lived across the street my mom thought she went home, but she called her mom anyway. She hadn't gone home. Then I went to the backyard. I was crying in the corner of my yard. Then I heard her scream. I found her. This black figure raped her. I watched him do it. I was so frozen in fear I just stood there watching. She was crying. I ran back to my house and told my mom what happened. She called nine-one-one and my friends mom was in my house crying on the couch. She was sobbing. The next day they made an amber alert. A week later I had to go tell the cops what happened. A month later they called off the search, because they found her. She was barely alive. She died a week later of lung disease, not cancer though. It was that time I promised myself that I wouldn't let anyone hurt my family and friends ever again." I told them wiping away lots of tears. "Oh my god. I will never let you go through that ever again." Daniel said rushing over to me. That made me start the ocean again. I was sobbing into his chest for about ten minutes. I remembered that I had to get ready. 

-Daniel's P.O.V.-

The boys and I were at the side of the house chillin' when all of a sudden I hear Monica screaming our names. "Guys Monica is screaming our names. Maybe she is hurt." I said. "We should go see what is going on." Jonah said.  Jonah ran up to her and grabbed her. "Let me go! What did you do to my brother and his friends?!" Jonah looked like his eardrums burst. "Monica! It's me. Jonah. The boys are over there." Jonah said as he turned her around. She looked at us. I think we looked like we were mortified or something. Her expression was unreadable though. I ran over to her and held her close to me. She was crying into my chest. It was so warm and comfortable until Jonah pried me off. I didn't loosen my grip at first. Until Jonah gave me the I'm her brother let me comfort her look. I let her go.

After we all go in the house Jonah asked her why she was screaming and crying. She told us this really sad, brutal, story. "Oh my god. I will never let you go through that again." I said rushing over to her. I think that was a mistake, because she started crying harder. She was sobbing into my chest for around ten minutes. Then she went up stairs to her room.

After she left we all sat there in silence. I was comprehending what just happened the past half an hour. After a while I got up and went to the kitchen, and sat down on a bar stool. Then Jonah walked over to me. "I know you like Monica." he said while sitting next to me. "Look if you are going to ask her out and such, then please don't hurt her. Also if you do end up getting together please treat her like the queen she is. If you don't then you bet that I will kick your ass. Okay." Jonah said sternly. "I understand. I wanted to ask you about that. I saw her on Instagram. Then when I first saw her in real life. She was more beautiful than I could have thought. I was going to ask for your blessing to ask her out, but then you said she had a date." I said. "Don't worry. This date is pretend. That Josh kid is like twelve. He asked her out on her plane ride I guess." Jonah said laughing. His laughter mad me laugh harder. Then the rest of the boys came in. "What's so funny?" Corbyn asked. "Nothing." I said wiping away tears from laughing so hard. "Well if it was nothing then how come you're wiping away tears?!" Zach asked. "Well Monica's date is with a twelve year old." Jonah said laughing again. Everyone was in a fit of laughter.


Hey guys. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It took a while to make. I thought it would be a twist to add some violence into this chapter. Sorry if you don't like it. Anyways I hope you all have the best day or night ever. You all are legends! 

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