Chapter Nine

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We all played in the water for a while longer. After we went inside and got cleaned up a bit we all went downstairs. I lay on the couch alone until Corbyn came. Great. Just the person I wanted to sit by me right now. "Hey." Corbyn said smiling at me. "Hi." I said smiling back. I couldn't help but to smile at his adorable smile. He is so cute. NO! I can't be thinking this. I have Josh. Do I like Josh? YES! I don't know. To be honest I think Josh is only like a friend. I like Corbyn. I can't. Wouldn't this hurt Daniel? I don't know. I don't want to loose anyone. I must just push my feelings away. I'll get over it. Would I?! 

A tear must have slipped from my eyes. "Are you okay?" Corbyn asked getting closer. He smelled so good. "Yeah why?" I asked trying to play it cool. Corbyn stuck out his arm, and wiped away my tear with his thumb. He leaned in. He didn't make a motion to kiss me though. "Are you sure?" He asked giving me a hopeful smile. "No." I mumbled. "Why?" He asked getting closer than before. "Because I don't think I like Josh," I said. "Why is that?" He asked getting closer. His amazing scent lingering the air like a cloud with no visibility. "I like someone else." I said getting closer. "Who?" Corbyn asked placing his hand on my thigh. "I think you know." I said gulping at his sudden movement. He moved his hand on my cheek, and kissed me. I wanted to stay like that forever. Peace and harmony. Love. Passion. Grace. You name it. 

"Monica? Monica. You okay?" Corbyn asked. "You zoned out."He laughed. "Yeah." I said smiling at him. "Okay." He said returning the smile. I couldn't help but stare. His smile. "I'm gonna go call Josh." I said. "Okay." He said. I walked to the kitchen. I grabbed my phone, and called Josh. "Hey can we go get coffee at the place as the first date?" "Yeah sure." he said. I walked back to the living room. Everyone was downstairs by now. "I'm gonna go see Josh." I said walking out the living room. I grabbed the keys, and left.


I saw Josh in the window. The same spot. I parked, walked up to the door, took a deep breath, and walked in. Josh walked up to me. "Hey! What's up?!" "Can we talk?" I asked nervously. "Yeah what is it?" Josh asked getting a face more nervous than mine. "I think we should break up." I said trying to remain eye contact. "It's not you, it's me." I said grabbing his hands. He jolted back yanking his hands away. "No I know it's me so what did I do?!" Josh yelled at me. "Josh I like someone else. It isn't you. If my heart would just shut the hell up, we would be the happiest couple ever!" I yelled back letting a tear fall. "Who is it huh?! Who is better than me?! Who stole your heart, unlike me?! Who is better at loving you than me?! Who is it?!" Josh yelled again letting a couple tears fall. "I can't tell you!" I yelled. "Why?! Were you cheating on me, you, you, you SLUT?!" He yelled so loud everyone outside looked in the shop. "WHAT?! Why would I cheat on you?! I really liked you! I would never cheat! Don't call me a slut again, or you won't have any kids in the future!" I said aggressively. "What are you gonna do, throw a makeup brush at me?!"Josh said in a cheesy, girly voice. "You want me to show you?!" I yelled. "Yeah actually!" Josh said crossing his arms. "Fine!" I yelled. I charged at him. I drop kicked him, then kicked him in his croch. "I will do worse." I said walking away from a crying Josh. 

I got in the car and drove home. When I arrived everyone was in the living room on their phones.  When I walked in everyone looked at me. "How was it?" Jonah asked. I started bawling my eyes out. Corbyn ran over to me. I collapsed in his arms. He held me. I felt safe. I felt calm. I felt a little heart broken. He picked me up, and brought me to my room. He set me down, and cuddled with me. I felt so confused and loved at the same time. I fell asleep in his arms.

The next day I woke up in his arms. I snuggled closer to him. He woke up. "Hey." He said smiling. "Hey." I said returning his smile. He pulled me in tighter. I got closer. "I love you!" I whispered barely hearable. I guess he heard me. "I love you more!" He whispered back. *clears throat* We both looked up. Everyone was at the door wiggling their eyebrows, except for Daniel. He looked beat red. I looked at Corbyn and blushed. He blushed too.

Daniel's P.O.V

Monica came in. "How was it?" Jonah asked. She started sobbing. Corbyn got up, comforted her. He carried her to her room. Corbyn didn't come back down that night. The next morning we all were awake. "We should see what they're doing." I said. Everyone agreed and we went upstairs. They were cuddled up together. I'm not gonna lie. I wish that was me. Monica woke up, and smiled. She didn't notice us. She cuddled up to him. He woke up. "Hey." He said smiling. "Hey." She said smiling back.  He pulled her in closer. "I love you!" She whispered loudly. "I love you more!" He said whispering louder. Jonah cleared his throat. Everyone was wiggling their eyebrows. I was furious. That should be me.

Corbyn's P.O.V

Monica walked in. "How was it?" Jonah asked. She started sobbing. I ran over to her, and held her tight. I felt compassion for her sorrow. I think I'm falling for her. I picked her up, and brought her to her room. I cuddled with her on her bed. I fell asleep after her. The next day I felt her cuddle into me more. "Hey." I said smiling. "Hey." She said returning the smile. I pulled her closer to me. "I love you!" She whispered loudly. "I love you more!" I whispered louder than her.  *clears throat* everyone was wiggling their eyebrows except Daniel. He was pissed. 


Hey guys! I am soo sorry I haven't updated in so long. The laptop I am using stopped working on Saturday. It wouldn't turn on, on Sunday. It finally started working again on Monday. Monday, Tuesday I had a Volleyball game, and Volleyball practice. Today I am free. Tomorrow, and Friday I have volleyball games.  This weekend I should be able to update.

I know you are like Corbyn and Christina! What happened to Christina?!    Well I made it so CORBINA died a year before the story started. I'm sorry. If you don't like it please just bear with me.

As usual tell people to crawl in a wet, dirty hole for me! Just do it! I love you all! Bye!

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