Chapter Eleven

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Corbyn's P.O.V

We went to forever 21. We looked around for stuff. It was a loss. Next we went to Hot Topic. We looked around. They had some cool things. "Hey look!" Jonah yelled excitedly. "Yeah." I said. "I think Mon will like this!" He exclaimed. "Yeah!" I replied. It was a Kurt Cobain shirt that said, "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".  I know how much she loves Nirvana, and Kurt Cobain. I also found a necklace that says, 'Polly Wants a Cracker' in cursive. Jonah agreed on everything. Then we left Hot Topic.

Monica's P.O.V

I was talking to Zach when we got there. He is so adorable! He is like a little brother. I love him! When we went in the mall I lost Bean and Jonah. I decided to let them hangout. I talked to Daniel. I had fun with the rest of the boys. An hour later Corbyn and Jonah came down the escalator. I ran over to them. "Where were you guys?!" I said really unaggressively. "We went shopping." Jonah said. "Okay. Lets go." I ran away with my arm in the air, and my head up. We went to a cafe, and got some lunch.

After lunch we went home. I went to my room. I went on my phone. I got a follow by Logan Paul. Hmm. Logan is so tall, and cute. I already followed him.  (a/n I don't think any of this about Logan in real life.)  I got a dm. It was from Logan.

@loganpaul: Hey. 

   @cinna-mon_marais : Hey.

@loganpaul: Aren't you Jonah's little sis?

  @cinna-mon_marais: Yeh why?

@loganpaul: I was wondering if you guys could swing by the place tomorrow ;)

   @cinna-mon_marais: you should really talk to the boys about this. I don't have anything to do anyways so.

@loganpaul: Okay sounds great!

   @cinna-mon_marais: yep

@loganpaul: see you hopefully tomorrow! Bye! <3

   @cinna-mon_marais: See you maybe tomorrow. Bye!


Oh my GOD! Logan flippin Paul sent me a goddamn heart! Ahhhhhhh! This is so amazing! "What's so exciting?" Bean asked smiling. "Logan Paul flippin sent me a heart!" I screamed. "That's so amazing." Corbyn said fake smiling. "What's wrong Bean?" I asked. "It's nothing." Corbyn said. "Oh come on what is it?" I asked giving him a smile. "Here wait a sec. I need to go grab something." Corbyn said. "Okay." I said. 

A while later Corbyn came back. He had a little pink bag. I got excited. "Yas! We're going to Logan's tomorrow!" Jonah shouted walking in the room. "Hey Corbs." Jonah said. "Oh. I'm sorry! I will go." Jonah said leaving. Corbyn started walking closer, but then Zachary came in. "I'm sorry to interupt, but we need you in the other room." Zach said looking at the pink bag. "How long will this take?"  Corbyn asked with a frustrated look. "The rest of the night." Zach said. Corbyn left saying, "Tomorrow." I flopped on my bed. Ugh! What was in the bag? What was he gonna say? I hate waiting! I fell asleep after that. I was very cold. Until I felt a warm body cuddle on mine. Corbyn? I turned around. It was Josh. I quickly moved. Ew. "Josh leave!" I screamed. "No! I won't leave till' you love me again!" He yelled. "JONAH! CORBYN! DANIEL! ZACH! JACK! HURRY! HELP!" With that five tired boys ran in my room. They looked confused. "Get Josh out of here!" I screamed. They got him out of the house. I wonder how he got in the house anyway. 

Corbyn came in my room. "Hey." He said. "Hey." I said. "How are you since you know?" He asked sitting on my bed. "Not too well." I said. "It's okay." He came closer. "What if he comes back? What if he hurts me?" I started tearing up. I held back my tears. He came over to me, and hugged me. I stayed in his arms. We eventually just fell asleep cuddling.


Hey guys! I know this chapter wasn't that long. Sorry. I love you guys!

Pass this message on to everyone that is pissing you the hell off, "I hope you go cry in a hole, I hope your heart someone  stole. I hope they break it in a thousand bad ways!" 

BYE! <3333333333

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