Chapter Twelve

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The next day I woke up in Beans arms. I was facing him. He is the most adorable thing in the word when he sleeps. I love him. A grin came to his face. I wonder what he was dreaming of. I just lay there watching him sleep. That sounded stalker-ish, oops. I wanted nothing more then to lay in his arms all day. I knew I couldn't. I knew we were going to Logan's sometime today. Me being my idiotic self moved into him again waking him up. Grrr! He looked at me cuddled into him, and just pulled me in tighter. I was so comfortable. I love this boy. We just cuddled for what I hope was an hour. Daniel came in."Guys in like an hour we are going to Logan's." Daniel said. I looked at him. Again he was beat red. Why? "Okay. I think we will stay like this for a little bit longer though." Bean said smiling at me. I just hugged him in return. Daniel left slamming the door. "I wonder what his problem is." Corbyn said. "I know right." I said. I closed my eyes getting closer to him. 

A few minutes later I tried to get up. "No. Please don't get up!" Corbyn said. "We both have to. Come on babe." I said smiling. DAMMNIT! Did I just call him babe?! I stopped dead in my tracks. He looked at me. This was it. He was never gonna talk to me again. He smiled. "I know. After we get ready can we cuddle more?" He begged. "Yes." I said.  At least he didn't bite.

Corbyn's P.O.V

I woke up to her move into me. I looked at her. She looked so peaceful. I pulled her in tighter. It was so comfortable. We cuddled for I hope an hour. Daniel came in. "Guys in like an hour we are going to Logan's." He said. He was red. I think he likes Monica. Oh well. "Okay. I think we will stay like this for a while longer though." I said smiling at Monica. She hugged me. Daniel left slamming the door. "I wonder what his problem is." I said. "I know right." She said. She got closer.

A few minutes later she tried to get up. "No. Please don't get up!" I said. "We have to. Come on babe." She said. Ommigod!  She called me babe! Ahh. Yes. I looked at her, and smiled. "I know. After we get ready can we cuddle more?" I begged. "Yes." She said. 

Monica's P.O.V

After Bean left I got dressed. I don't have any of the boy's numbers, so I just went to Corbyn's room. When I was half way down the hall Corbyn came out of him room. He started walking down the hall to my room. He looked at me, and kept walking. He walked over to me, and stopped. He picked me up, and took me to my room. He laid me down on my bed, and got on himself. He pulled me into him, and we cuddled. It felt so nice. 

"Yo! We're going to Logan's now!" Jonah yelled. Corbyn looked at me, smiled, kissed my head, and pulled me in tighter. I'm not gonna lie, I really wish he kissed my lips. I wanted to stay in his warm embrace for hours, and hours. "We have to get up." I said. "I know." He said. "Maybe we can cuddle in the car, and stay close at Logan's." Corbyn said. I looked at him, and smiled saying, "Your mom should be proud. She raised a gentleman, and a genius!" I said. He laughed, and pulled me in again. "I love you my Bean!" I mumbled. "I love you my Cinna-Mon!" Corbyn smiled. "Corbyn?" "Yeah?" He said. "I really like this." I said smiling. "Me too." He said smiling. I want you to  kiss me! I was really caught by surprise by what he said in reply.

oh shit!


Hey guys! I know that it is taking really long to get to Logan's. I'm sorry! I can promise you that next chapter will be at Logan's in partial. 

Scream at someone to cry in a hole! It will make a difference.

I love you all! Bye! <3

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