Chapter eight

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It has been a week. I have fully unpacked everything and I am pretty excited. Today is really hot, so we are all going to swim in the pool.

I went to my room to put on my swimsuit.  I put this on,

I thought it would be great for the day

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I thought it would be great for the day. I put my hair in a messy bun. 

I grabbed  a beach towel, suntan lotion, and sunglasses. I went downstairs and everyone was in the kitchen. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Everyone looked at me. "What?" I asked walking to pantry. Everyone's jaw was on the ground at this point. I grabbed a snack from the pantry. "Well lets go outside." I said going outside. I laid my towel across a beach chair. I put my water, sunglasses and snack on it. Everyone came outside. I started putting on the lotion. Daniel was the closest around. "Hey Daniel. Can you put some on my back?" I asked. "Sure." Daniel said walking over to me. He grabbed the bottle, and put some on my back. "Thanks." I said flashing him a smile. I removed my stuff from the towel. I sat on the towel with my sunglasses on. 

A few seconds later Corbyn said, "Mon aren't you going to swim?" "No." I said laying back. "Come on. Swim with us!" Zach begged. I removed my sunglasses. I got up and walked to the edge of the pool. "Fine." I said. Corbyn came around the pool. I made a jumping position, and then didn't jump. "Just kidding!" I said. I turned around. Corbyn had a mischievous look on his face. Three point one seconds later I fell in the water. He pushed me. I got up gasping for air. "You pushed me Corbyn!" I yelled. They all laughed at me. "I sure did. Whatcha gonna do about it?" Corbyn said laughing. "Nothing. Just please help me out." I said. He reached out his arm, and I pulled him in. "Ha who's the loser now?!" I cheered. "Still you." Corbyn said. "How?" I asked with a confused look. "This is how." He said with a mischievous look again. Oh no. He tackled me in the water. When we got up I punched his arm playfully. "Why did you do that?!" I shrieked. "Because  I was fun." Corbyn said. I jumped on him. He kept him balance. I ended up just hugging him. "Why did you do that?" He asked hugging me back. "Because it was fun." I said mimicking him. 

Oh no! When I hugged his warm  body I got butterflies in my stomach. Do I like Corbyn like that?! What am I gonna do? I had panic all over my face, because Daniel asked me, "Are you okay?" "Yeah." I said shrugging it off. 


Hey guys! I finally updated. Yesterday I had volleyball practice, after practice I had to eat and do some stuff around my house, so I was busy. I got to update today. I will probably update later today. It is Friday so. 

Anyway I hope you all have the best day ever! 

I hope everyone that makes you upset crawls in a hole and cries! <3 

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