Chapter Thirteen

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Oh no! This can't be happening. I feel terrible. Why do I always have to ruin everything! "I want me to kiss you too," He said. I felt my face heat up. "I know," He said. "We aren't dating so it would be kinda weird, huh?" He asked staying closer. "I know," I said in reply. He doesn't like me. I wanted to cry, but I held myself together.

We heard the front door close. "We should get up," I said. We got up, and went to the car. Jonah drove, Jack in the front, Zach on the right behind Jack, and Daniel in the middle. Since there is no where else I just sat on Corbyn's lap. We cuddled for ten minutes before Daniel snapped, "Why can't you just sit on his lap normally?!" Corbyn pulled me in closer. "Don't snap at her! She is fine with me!" Corbyn screeched at him. Daniel along with everyone else looked really shocked. I just put my head on his chest and relaxed.

A while later we arrived at Logan's. I know he did some kind of suicide forest thing that pissed a lot of people off. I know he is still a good person though.(A/n again not my real thoughts). We went inside. Corbyn and I were still latched onto each other. Daniel was just red. I give up on him though. We walked in, and Logan immediately smashes a plate. "Hey beautiful," He says walking up to me. When he sees Corbyn is practically attached to me his face drops. "Oh. Are you guys a couple?" He asks. His face lighting up. "No," We say at the same time. I blushed. "Then why are you so attached?" He says wiggling his eyebrows. "Because why not," I say. They all look shocked. "Corbyn?" "Yes," "Are you going to survive if I leave you to make a point?" "Yeah," He said. I walked over to Jack, and started doing the same thing as I did with Corbyn. They all looked shocked. "Because why not!" I said. I let go and went back to hopefully my Corbyn. I wish he was mine.

Corbyn's P.O.V

After an hour Logan walks over to me. "Do you like Monica?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "Are you going to ask her out?" He asked. "Yeah," I said. "Sure," He said sarcastically. "I am. I even have a plan. "Oh really." Logan said. "Yep," I said proudly. Logan walked away. Oh well.

After a while we left. That night Monica, and I stayed in our own rooms.


I know this chapter is really short. I will try to upload another really, really short chapter later today.

I hope people crawl in a hole!

I love you! Bye! <33333333333333333

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