Chapter Four

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-Monica's P.O.V.-

I went to my room and took a shower. When I got out I dried my hair and brushed my teeth. I put on a black crop-top, short jean-shorts, and my white vans. After I got dressed I put my hair in a messy bun. Then I grabbed my phone and put twenty dollars in the case. I went down stairs. Everyone was in the kitchen laughing. As soon as they saw me they all shut up. "Whats so funny." I asked waling into the kitchen. "Nothing!" Zach quickly said. "If it was nothing why were you guys laughing so hard?!" I asked suspiciously. "We were laughing at the fact your date is a twelve year old!" Jonah said booming out laughter. Everyone started laughing again. "Hey!" I said my voice filled with anger. "The only reason I am going on this date is because I didn't want to break his little heart." I said running out the front door. 

I got in my car as fast as I could and drove away. I arrived at the coffee shop at two fifty-five. I saw Josh in a chair next to the window on his phone. I got a message. 

Lil' Joshy: Hey. I'm at the coffee shop.

  Beautiful Monica: I just arrived.


After that I saw him look up with excitement in his eyes. I got out of my car and went inside the coffee shop. Josh came over and showed my where the table was. "Should we go get our drinks now or...? Josh asked trailing off.  "Yeah sure!" I told him. We walk up to the counter and ordered our drinks. "The drinks are on me." Josh said pulling out his wallet. "No you don't have to pay." I said. "What kind of date would I be if I didn't pay. "Okay fine." I said playfully rolling my eyes. He handed the employee fifteen bucks.

 A while later we got our drinks. We sat at our table and started talking. We had a casual conversation. About an hour later we left the coffee shop. Apparently Josh is eighteen. He is a little taller than me. He is actually really cute. We just walked around. "Can I hold your hand?" Josh asked in a nervous tone. "Yeah." I said. Josh intertwined our fingers. We walked around for a bit. Then I told him I should probably go home. We arrived at my car. "Wait before you leave can I ask you something?" Josh asked grabbing my wrist. I turned around. I had butterflies in my stomach. I think they are at a rave. "Yeah." I said. "Will you be girlfriend?" Josh asked. "Yes!" I said giving him a hug. He wrapped his arms around me. We stayed like that till I got a text. We pulled away. "I'll text you later babe." Josh said winking at me. I blushed and he kissed my cheek. He walked away, and I got in my car. I silently did a happy dance. 

I checked my phone. It was a a group text. 

Bean: We are so sorry!

Daniel: Please forgive us. We are idiots.

Zach: Please ! We are all so stupid.

Bear: Come on Sis. You know you want to.

Mr.Ramen: I hope you forgive us! We are all extremely sorry!

 Cinna-Mon: GUYS! It's okay. Seriously. 

Daniel: Awesome. 

Daniel: I love you!                                                                                                                                                                                      (deleted)


I drove home.

When I pulled up everyone was outside.  When I got out of the car everyone rushed over to me. "Where were you?! Jonah ask yelled.Jonah pulled me into the tightest hug I have ever experienced. "I was on that date with Josh."I said gasping for air. Jonah let go of me. "Can we go inside now?" I asked walking to the door. "Yes." Jonah said.

"How was your date?" Jonah asked as I sat down on the couch. "It was so much fun. First we went to this coffee shop and talked for a bit. Then we left and started walking around. At the end he asked me out. He is my boyfriend." I said excitedly. Everyone looked at me disgusted. "Oh yeah. He is eighteen. I was really tired so I thought he was younger than he actually was. Also he wasn't kicking my seat. That was somebody else. Josh sat next to the kid. When I turned around they had switched seats." I said. Everyone looked relieved, except for Daniel. He just looked sad. "I'm glad you had a great date." Jonah said smiling at me. "A great date is not even half of it!" I said. "It was the best first date ever!" I said. I regret saying that.

 Daniel stormed out as I said that. I felt so bad. I got up and went to find him. I knocked on his door. "Go away!" Daniel yelled. I walked in anyway. "I told you to go away!" Daniel yelled. "I think we should talk." I said walking towards him. "There is nothing to talk about! Now leave!" Daniel yelled. "Daniel. Why did you storm out like that?" I asked walking closer. "I said leave!" Daniel yelled pushing me. I fell to the ground. I lay there wondering why he pushed me. I didn't notice that I started crying.  Everyone rushed in. "We heard yelling." Jack said. Jonah saw me and picked me up. "What did you do Daniel?!" Jonah yelled. I was crying in Jonah's chest as he held me bridal style. "I-I don't know." Daniel mumbled. "Don't ever lay a hand on Monica again! If you do I will kick your ass!" Jonah yelled. With that everyone left Daniel in his room alone. 

Jonah put me on my bed. "What did he do to you?" Jonah asked. I shook my head. "Monica you need to tell me. I just want to make sure you are safe. "He, he p-p-pushed me." I said still crying. "Why did he push you?" Jonah asked concerned. "I don't know." I said quivering. Jonah left. I just lay there. It is all my fault. I should have left when he wanted my to. I should have listened. But he also shouldn't have pushed me.

My phone started ringing. It was Josh. I answered it. "Hey." Josh said. "Hey." I said sniffling. "Whats wrong babe?" Josh asked with worry in his voice. "Nothing." I said sniffling again."Come on whats wrong." Josh asked. "Daniel pushed me." I said. "Who is Daniel?" Josh asked. " He was friend." I said. "Whats your address let me come over? I want to comfort you." Josh said. "Okay. It's ----- jdfaskdfsdjf fkfjfj djfkdhfdf jfjsdhfjd." "Okay. I'll be there in a little bit." "Okay." "Bye Babe." "Bye Joshy." With that I left my room. "Jonah. My boyfriend is coming over." I said to Jonah. "Okay." he said with a small smile. I sat on the couch, and played on my phone. 


Hey guys! I'm sorry about the address thing. I didn't want to actually make up an address so deal with it. I wonder what Daniel thinks of the situation between him and Monica. Just kidding I already know what he thinks. *evil laughs*

Anyway have a tremendous day. I Love You All! <3

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