Chapter seventeen

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It's been about an hour of the previous event (end of ch 16). All we did the whole time was cuddle, and laugh. I have to go to the bathroom. "Hey. Um, I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom," I said. "Okay. Can I go with you?" Corbyn asked with a mischievous look. "Fine. It isn't interesting to watch someone pee though," I said. "I don't care," He said. "Whatever," I smiled getting up. He got up as well. We headed to the bathroom. I still closed the door, even though it was just us. He stood there looking at me with a blank face. "Well I can't go with you looking at me," I said. He turned away for a second, until my stream started. I just finished my business as if he wasn't there. When I was done in the bathroom he followed me out. I lay back down.

"I think they will start suspecting something is up," I said. "I know," With that he leaned over me and kissed me. He started down my neck again. I gently pushed him away. "Again?" I asked verifying. "If you want," I thought to myself. Do I really want to. I don't know. We just had sex for an hour. Everyone will really start to get suspicious. "Later," I whispered. He nodded, but kept kissing me. I was fine with that. 


A knock was heard at the door. "I'll get it!" I yelled walking down stairs, with Corbyn by my side. I opened the door. "Hello," I said. "who might you be?" "Um, I'm Jessica. I was wondering if Jonah was here?" "Why do you need him?" I questioned. "Did I say I was here to talk to you?" She said crossing her arms. " Look, Jessica, I live here. If you need something ask me," I said in a snotty way. She bitch-slapped me. My jaw dropped. I pushed her. She pushed back. I pushed her again, harder this time. She pushed back harder as well. I punched her. She fell. Point Monica. She had a shocked expression. She got up. She punched me. I didn't budge. I punched her again. She fell again. I was now on top of her, ready to give her more lunch. I punched her again. She pushed me off of her. We are now on the grass. She punched me. I can taste my blood. She punched again, but I dodged rolling us around so I'm on top. I punched her a couple more good ones. She pushed me off, right onto a rock. I yelped loud in pain. My hand was bleeding. She was up now. I got up. I have had enough of this. I tackled her. I punched her more. She was bleeding a lot. So was I. I was about to give her another punch when someone stopped me. I tried to keep punching, but they had me good. I turned around. It was Jonah. Of course. "What are you doing?!" He almost yelled. I sat there in silence. "I thought you were done getting into fights last year. I guess I was wrong," He said. "She started it," I said. Jonah looked at the girl. He let go of me, and ran to her. 

"Are you okay?" He said. She looked up at me. "No," She said. He picked her up.He carried her into the house. She gave me a dirty look, and a smirk along the way. Corbyn ran to me. He had a huge smile on his face. "That was badass!" He said. I laughed. "Ow," I tried to hide my hand. He heard me, and took my hand. His eyes got huge. My hand was bleeding, worse than I thought. It was gushing blood. He pulled me in the house. "We need to take you to the hospital!" He said grabbing paper towels. "I'm fine,"I said. He just grabbed my arm, leading me to the door. He grabbed the car keys. 

We arrived at the E.R. He took me in. The paper towels were soaked in blood. He led me to the front desk. "Um, my girlfriends hand is gushing blood. She needs to see a doctor," He told the man. "Okay. She will be helped in a couple of minutes," He said typing something in. Then he looked up. His eyed widened. "Never mind. She will see a doctor immediately," He said something in the phone. A nurse came and took me to a room. A doctor came in. She saw my hand. She took off the paper towels, and thoroughly checked my hand. "You need stitches," She said. A minute later I was in the stitches room. I needed ten stitches. 

A while later I arrived home. Everyone was in the house. When we walked through the door they all came rushing over. "Where were you guys?!" Jonah yelled. He hugged me. I looked over his shoulder. That girl, Jessica is still here. "We went to the hospital," I said. "Why?" He yelled. I showed him my hand. There was a band-aid over the stitches. "I needed ten stitches," I said. "Why?" He looked alarmed. "Because Jessica pushed me onto a god damn rock!" I yelled. Everyone looked at her. She looked confused. "Yeah when you pushed me, and I yelped that is why!" I screamed running at her. Jonah got in front of me. I started crying in anger. " Let me go!" I screamed.

After a while I was fine. Jessica was still in the kitchen. "Who is she?" I asked Jonah. "She works at the mall. She really likes me," He said. "I don't like her. In fact I'm about to kick her out,"He said.


It is now one in the morning. Everyone is asleep. Except Corbyn, and I. As mentioned earlier we had you know what again. We just cuddled again. We were still naked. I fell asleep. 


Hey guys. This chapter had a lot in it. I have slight writers block, so I'm sorry if this chapter sucked. Thank you all for so many reads!

I love you guys! 

Shove someone in a hole! 


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