Chapter Two

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        After a very weird car ride we get to the Why Don't We house. Jonah is a gentlemen and opens the car door for me, and grabs my luggage from the trunk of the car. We walk up to the door. "Ready?" He said. "Ready." I said. When we walk in Jonah puts down my luggage down and joins the group and all five boys start singing a welcoming song to me. I blush.
        When they finished singing I thank them, and give them hugs. I introduced myself.  They introduced themselves as well.  "You are so beautiful!" Daniel said. "Hey don't  get any ideas Daniel, she has a date!" "Can it be me on that date?!" Daniel said winking at me. I blush, turning a bright red. "Sorry Daniel. I think Josh will be sad." I said trying not to laugh. Daniel looked at me with sad eyes. I looked at him apologetically.

 " Well can I see the room I will be living in?" I asked. "Yes, of course!" Jonah said waving his hand signalling me to follow him. He took me to a room at the end of the hall that had a sign on it that says, 'Monica will live here!'  In blue letters. Jonah opened the door to reveal a nice room. I took my stuff in the room setting it down. Then I took a seat at the end of the bed. I examined the room. Then suddenly my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. 

I answered it. "Hello?" "Hello! It's me Josh." Josh said. " Oh. Well Hi Josh." "How about we go to this coffee shop. I will text you the address." "Okay." I said. "How about 3pm? " He asked. "Sounds terrific!" I said with enthusiasm. "Okay. Well I guess I will talk to you later." Josh said. "I guess. Good bye." I said. "Bye Beautiful." Josh said. 

(a/n It is 11 am in the story.)

I then get a notification. It's a text from Josh. 

Josh: Hey!

Josh: The address is 1243 Pivet Square Los Angeles, CA. 

Beautiful Monica: Sounds great! I'm excited!

Josh: Me too! See you later!

                                                                                                               Beautiful Monica: Bye! <3

Josh: Bye!


"I guess the date is at three." I said putting my phone away. "Okay. Well I am going to let you get to unpacking and such." Jonah said. " I will put away my clothes and shoes then go chill with you guys for until I have to get ready for my date." "Okay."


Well that it for chapter two. I wonder what will happen after she is done with putting some things away! I'm just pulling your buttons. I already know what will happen next! *evil laugh* 

Love You all! BYE!

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