Chapter Six

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I go into my room. Since I was all puffy from crying again, I decided to go and take a shower. 

After I got out of the shower I dried my hair. I slipped on some joggers and a hoodie. I went to Jonah's room. *knocks* "Jonah can I come in?" I asked Jonah. "Yeah." Jonah said. I walked in. He was laying on his bed. "What is the theme for the photo shoot?" I asked walking towards him. "They usually have clothes there for us to change into in case they want a theme. Sometimes they don't so wear something cute just in case. The guys and I just wear stylish yet comfortable." Jonah said smiling at me. "Thanks Bear!" I said smiling back at him. Then I went back to my room. 

I checked the time and I had about ten minutes to get ready. 

I finally decided on something. It was cute but casual. I put on a white Why Don't We crop top hoodie. I wore some black joggers, and my checkered slip on vans. I did my makeup in a natural look. I checked the time, and I was exactly one minute early. I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs.

 Daniel was the only one down there. I went down anyway. We should makeup. "Hey." I said to Daniel. He looked up and saw me. Then he left. I followed him. He just went in the kitchen. "Daniel we should makeup. I want to be your friend so bad." I said to him. He turned around, and walked over to me.  "I want to makeup more than anything." He said getting so close we were only an inch away. "I don't just want to be friends. I need you. Monica." He said to me. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. We stood there making out. 

I woke up. My jaw dropped. Josh was next to me. He was asleep. ' What just happened?' I thought. 'I don't like Daniel like that. Do I?' I thought for what seemed like an hour. Josh slowly opened his eyes. Damn. His eyes are beautiful. He smiled at me.DAMN! OOF* His smile is the definition of hawt. I couldn't help but stare. 

"Hey." He said in a hot just woke up voice. "Hey handsome." I said. He kissed me. We were having the sweetest moment ever, then Corbyn had to come and interrupt it. "Hey guys. Oh sorry." He said looking awkward. "Hey Bean! What's up?" I asked smiling. "We have a photo shoot in twenty minutes, so you should probably get ready." Bean said. "Oh and you are going to be in the pictures." Corbyn said walking away.  "Well you should probably go." I said getting up. "Yeah." He said getting up as well. I walked him downstairs. We kissed again. "Bye babe." I said. "Bye Baby." He said kissing me again. He left.

I went up to my room and showered since I looked my the grim reaper came and took my soul. 

After my shower I dried my hair, and slipped on some joggers and a hoodie. I went to Jonah's room. *knocks* "Can I come in?" I asked through the door. "Yeah." Jonah said. I walked in his room. "What is the theme for the photo shoot?" I asked walking over to Jonah's bed. 'They usually have clothes for us to change into if they need us too." Jonah said. "Me and the guys just wear stylish yet casual." Jonah said with  a smile."Thanks Bear." I said returning the smile. I went back to my room.

I checked the time and I had ten minutes to get ready. I finally decided on something to wear. I put on a Why Don't We crop-top hoodie. I put on some black joggers, and my black and white checkered slip on vans. I did my makeup in a natural look, and went downstairs. 

Daniel was the only person downstairs. I think we should make up so I went over to him. "Hey." I said. "Hey." He said. "I think we should make up, and talk." I said. Daniel looked up at me. His crystal eyes glistening. "I am so sorry for everything with Josh. And I am sorry I didn't leave when you told me to." I said. "You shouldn't be sorry. I am the one who should be apologizing. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I definitely shouldn't have pushed you!" Daniel said getting closer to me. "Are we good?" Daniel asked. "Yes!" I said jumping into a hug. We hugged until the other boys came down. 

"I'm guessing you guys made up." Jonah said. "We did." I said. 


Hey Guys. Thank you all so much for reading my garbage. I really do work hard on these though. 

I got to update today. I didn't do my homework though. I have like ten minutes until I have to leave for my Volleyball game. 

Also tomorrow I have another Volleyball game. So if I don't update I am sorry! I love you all! Bye!

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