Chapter twenty-four

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This is what happened on that night!

??? P.O.V

It was a nice summer night. Monica, and Corbyn were cuddling on his bed. Jonah, and the boys were playing video games. Suddenly someone broke through the locked door. All the boys, and Monica were forced into chairs in front of the door. The figure walked over to Monica. He put a knife at her arm. Corbyn shouted, "Don't touch her!" The figure cut her arm twice, then stabbed Corbyn five times. It went over to Daniel next. It stabbed his stomach twice, and slit his throat. Zach's was the worst. It slit his throat four times. Then it pulled out a gun! It shot Zach twice in each leg, once in the chest, twice in the stomach! Zach was quickly losing consciousness. It went over to Jack. He tried to stop him from shooting him, by putting his hand in the way of the gun. It just shot his hand. It then shot his arm, his leg, and his chest. Luckily Jack was not losing consciousness. It went back to Corbyn. It shot him twice in the chest, and twice in the stomach. Daniel was next. It shot him twice in the ribs. 

"Hah! Guess my gun was working after all!" It shouted. Minutes later it was gone, and sirens filled their ears. Monica ran to the street, and fainted. Jonah fainted in the grass. The others were unconscious. Zach was no longer unconscious, but dead. He was quickly gone, not a minute could have spared his life. 

The rest is history...


So everyone! I know you all have probably figured out, that this is ending. This was the last chapter indeed. I am already writing the sequel. So next month you can find it! Um, I just want to thank you all so, so, very, very much for reading this! It really makes me happy to know that people are reading this! I love you all so much! This book means so much to me! Keep reading, and keep going through out life! Until next month, BYE!

Also go shove someone in a hole with a lanyard! Bye!<333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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