Chapter fifteen

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Monica's P.O.V

I went downstairs. Jonah, and Bean were on their phones. I just walked past them and went to the fridge.I grabbed a bottle of water. I walked over to the cabinets and grabbed a bowl. Next I went to the cupboard and grabbed some cereal. I went to the counter and made some cereal. After I ate I walked to the living room. Nobody was there so I just went to my room. When I was walking to my room I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Corbyn. "Mornin'," He said. "Mornin'," I replied. He said, "Today I'm going to take you out." "Where?" I asked. "Its a surprise," He said with a cheeky smile. "Okay."

He let go of me so I could get ready. I went to my room. I decided to clean up a bit, but  not shower, or have a bath. I just wiped off with some face cleansing wipes. I went to my closet to see what I have. I decided this was probably going to be like a date,  so I want to dress nice. I found a tight black crop-top with lace rimming the bottom. I put that on with a black mini skirt, Jonah gave me for my birthday last year. I found a cute pair of white Adidas. I put everything on, and I put my dark hair in french braids. When I was done with hair and clothes i put on some chapstick. I grabbed my phone,and went downstairs. Corbyn was already down there. 

When I reached the bottom of the stairs Corbyn walked over to me, and grabbed my hand saying, "My lady." "Thank you kind sir," I replied. We just smiled at each other. He still had my hand in his grasp. He gently led me by my hand to the door. He opened it. "Ladies first," He said holding the door open.  "Thank you," I replied grinning. After we both got out of the house, he gently took my hand again, and led me to his car. He opened my door. I got in. He shut my door, and quickly went to his side.Once he got in he started the car. I turned on the radio. He put a blindfold on me. "I swear if your kidnapping me, I will never cuddle with you ever again," I say fighting back a giggle, but still smile. He chuckled. "It wouldn't be much of a surprise if you knew where we were going, now would it?" He asked. I felt my face heat up from embarrassment.

A half and hour later we arrive somewhere. Bean takes off my blindfold. "We're here!" He said with excitement. I looked out the windshield. We were at  a small little restaurant that read, "Luna's Luck mexican food " I was so excited.  I could barely contain myself. I haven't been here in years. I know what your thinking. I just moved to L.A. No. When I was around eleven I came here with my dad, before he passed. He was on tour, so he took me here. It was his last destination. Sadly he died a year later from Pneumonia. Corbyn new this.

We went in, and a waitress gave us a table. She slipped a note in my menu. Before she left she winked at me. I don't know what to do. I read it. It said.

Hey. I'm Lena. My Brothers and Parents own this restaurant. Um, I thought you seemed really cool, so I would like to be your friend. Anyways, this is my number:    ###-###-####           Please call or text me!

I folded the paper and put it in my phone case. Cool. I might have made a new friend. I open the menu, and start browsing. 

A waiter came to our table. He was tall. About six-one I would say. He had glasses, short dark hair, nice eyebrows (lucky), and he was pretty cute. "Hello, I'm Gabe. I will be taking your order today. Can I start you off with something to drink?" He said. He looked at me. "Me gustaria una horchata, ( I would like a horchata)" I said. They both looked at me with wide eyes. "What I took a couple classes on spanish when I was five," I said. "Tu tan hermose mi amor, (Your so beautiful my love)" Gabe said. "Muchas gracias, pero im en una fecha. Arrepentido, (Thank you so much, but im on a date. Sorry)"I said with sorry eyes. "Esta bien, (its okay)" He said. "And for you sir?" He said turning his attention to Bean. Bean still looked really confused. He doesn't know spanish. "Um, I would like a Coke a cola," he said. Gabe wrote it down. He walked away. Later we got our food and drinks. 

An hour later we were ready to leave. Corbyn being the adorable Bean he is, asked for a mariachi band to come and sing an Elvis song (Can't Help But Falling In Love). My favorite one. He knows that of course. They sing to me  then we pay, and leave. He puts the blindfold over my eyes again. 

After what seemed like a half and hour drive we reach destination two. He pulls off the blindfold. I looked out the windshield. We were at a little bakery called, Little House on The Prairie Baked Goods. I haven't been here since the tour as well. I can't even bear the fact Corbyn went through all of this just to make me smile. His song was correct.

He snapped me out of my daze. We went in. It smelled so good inside. We went up to the counter. "How may I help you?" a young girl probably a little younger than me said. "Um I would like four of your vanilla macaroons please," I said. She put it into the computer. "I would like some chocolate cake," Bean said. She put it in as well.

A while later we got our baked goods. We enjoyed them. We payed, and left.

Again with the blindfold. We drive for another half and hour. When we get to the third destination, he takes off my blindfold. I look out the windshield. It looks like we are at some kind of acoustic store. I take another look, more thoroughly this time. My jaw drops. We are at AllyCats Acoustics. It is not only, but the best acoustic and vinyl shop in the nation. I hear Corbyn laugh. "Let's go inside," He says. I look over with my still dropped jaw. He reaches out his arm, and with his gentle touch closes my mouth. We get out of the car starting towards the store.

When we get in all I smell is the perfect smell of fresh guitars, and ukuleles. I immediatly follow the trance all the way to a nice small room with ukuleles. I start playing with an electric one. It was so pretty. I was a little sad when I put it down. We left.

With the blindfold once again going over my eyes. We started towards another adventure.

After only a little while we made it to our fourth destination. I looked out the windshield after the blindfold was carefully removed. We were at a meadow. He gently took my hand as we were walking. There was a beautiful gazebo with candles in it. There was a small pink bag in the middle of it. There were flowers everywhere. Corbyn disappeared into the beauty. He came back a couple of seconds later with a white rose. Again my favorite. He led me to the gazebo. When we got there he got down on one knee with the rose in his hand. "Monica Gretchen Franzich. The whole time we have been friends I really liked you. I wanted to do this for so long, but I was too nervous and backed down. Will you do the honor of being my girlfriend?" He said with a hopeful look on his face. I felt my face get hot. I was jumping up and down. "Yes!" I yelled. We hugged. 

He handed me my present . I opened it. It was a Kurt Cobain shirt. And a polly wants a cracker necklace.


Hey guys. Um i am going to post a very important note after this chapter. So please read it! 

I hope your enemy falls into a ditch. ;)

Love ya! <33333333333333333333333333333

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