Chapter twenty-three

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Today is Zach's funeral. I don't think I am ready at all. His poor family. His siblings were so very young. I loved him like a brother. A little brother , I could always depend on him. He was so sweet. I loved him so much. I was cut off of my thoughts, by Jonah. "Monica, you ready to go?" He asked. He knows how close, our relationship, and how much I loved him. He knows that I will always love Zach as a brother.

We arrived at the funeral place. We didn't want a Catholic funeral. I immediately got hugged by the cutest little girl ever. Reese cried into my thigh. She is so short. I picked her up. I started crying as well. Ryan came and joined the party. Soon I was joined by Myta. His dad just sat on a chair. We all were crying.

Twenty minutes later, Reese went up to do her speech. "Zachy was the best big brother ever. He always helped me, when he was home. He was so nice to me. He would take me to the park, play with me, and have tea parties. I know how much Zachy loved me. He always said so. His last words to me were, 'I love you Reesey!' then he left. I miss him so much. Today we all will remember my brother," Reese said all of this while sniffling. Tears were streaming down her face.

It was my turn. I walked up to the podium. "Thank you all for coming. Zach would be so thrilled to know he had this many people that showed up to his funeral," my voice cracked at the last part. "He was always so sweet to me. He was like a little brother to me. He was always there. Times were tough, but he helped me. He let me rant about my problems. I always depended on him. I hope I could have been a good older sister to him. He deserved everything. I know how much we will all miss him. He was the best person you could ever depend on. I loved him so, so much, that this pains me so bad. He was always around, but I wasn't," I started sobbing. "Please just know Mr. and Mrs. Herron, that you raised an amazing young man. Zach helped me even when we were pissed at each other. Thank you for birthing him! Thank you," I got off the podium.

After everything I went straight to bed. I cried myself to sleep. He was so great. I love him.


Hey guys. Thank you guys for so many reads. I love you all! This was indeed hard to write. In the next chapter I will be explaining what happened that night.

Shove someone in a hole, with a moldy piece of bread! Bye<3333333333333333

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