Chapter nineteen

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We looked all over the house. He wasn't anywhere. Finally we just went outside. In the backyard we saw him. He had his back against the wall. He was sitting with his legs up to his chest, and he was crying as if a loved one had died. 

We walked up to him. "Hey," I said squatting down to his level. "Go away from me," He said crying. "Jonah, you can't sit here all day, and night," I said rubbing  his back. "Do you expect me to act normal, at the fact I saw my sister naked, with in fact one of my best friends?" He asked looking up. "We are dating. What did you think was gonna happen?" I asked. "I just didn't want to know you were..."He mumbled the last part. "I was what?" I said crossing my arms. "Not a virgin!" He slightly yelled. "Well I haven't been a virgin in like two years," I said immediately covering my mouth, at the  mistake I just brutally made. "You weren't a virgin for two years?" Corbyn asked dramatically, with a funny, sarcastic face. Jonah looked really heartbroken. "You were sixteen, when you lost your virginity?!" He yelled. Now all the boys were outside. I was laughing hysterically. "You didn't know?" I questioned. "Yeah! When was it? Who was it? Where was it?" He yelled again. I looked behind me at the boys. They all were enjoying the show, while Daniel on the other hand, looked disappointed. I turned back to Jonah. "I have an announcement to make. Corbyn is in part of it!" I yelled walking inside.

Once everyone was settled, I pulled Corbyn up with me. "So first of all, Corbyn, and we have something to tell you," I said. "We have sex, but with protection," Bean said. Everyone, except Jonah's, jaws hit the floor. "I am on birth control, while we still use condoms. I really don't want everyone to make jokes, or say anything about it later, so go on now. Ask us questions if you have any,"I said. Zach raised his hand smirking. "Corbyn. Is she good?" I started laughing so hard I was on the floor. "Zach, well that information is not for you!" Bean said. "Are you okay babe?" "Yeah. Zach why don't you tell us what you think," I said smirking. He blushed so hard, you would think he got sunburned. "Fine, I think your pretty terrible!" He stood up. "Oh so you wanna fight me, little boy!" I asked. "Yeah, prove me wrong!" He said. "Okay, Corbyn am I bad or good?" everyone, I mean everyone in that room was staring at him. Jonah was plugging his ears too. "Um. Well on a scale of one to ten, you broke past the scale," He said kissing my cheek. "Ha, Herron, I win!" I said. Daniel raised his hand. "Yep," I said. "Why did you tell us this," He said a tear escaping. "Well in case anybody was wondering. Also so nobody will not walk in our room next time," I said looking at Jonah. 

After a lot more jokes were made, we got to my singular announcement. Corbyn sat down. "So since you all were wondering, about earlier.I thought I would answer all questions asked. First when was it. It was about two years ago, when I was sixteen and a half. It was with Jason Marello in my class. We were both best friends at the time. We still are. He was experimenting, and he is gay. We trusted each other. I was at his house. His parents were away, so we decided to experiment there. Any questions?" I said. "Why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Jonah asked with a disappointed look. "Jonah, I really didn't want things to be awkward, and I didn't want to disappoint you," I replied hugging him. He hugged back. I stood back up. Any more questions. Corbyn raised his hand. "Yep," "How well did you know this kid?" He said. "I knew him for, about twelve years, and we were best friends all of them," I replied. 

Hours later we all just went to bed. I was tired as hell. I went to my dresser, and grabbed my pajamas. I quickly changed. I put my dirty clothes in the hamper, and went straight towards my bed. I lay down under the nice warm sheets, welcoming me on my first day here. I was more than happy. I drifted off to sleep. 


Hey guys. I know it's been a while, but I have been busy. I probably won't be able to update again this weekend. I never typically update on weekends though. I will be at a comic convention. Two weeks from now I will be visiting another state, so I won't have wifi where I am going.

I will most definitely try to update more  today, and next week. Don't forget to vote. I am thinking about ending this really soon. I might put maybe four more chapters, till the last one. Keep on voting and commenting to let me know you want more. If I can get this next chapter to five votes, than I will make more than five chapters. Bye!

Shove someone in a hole with a pancakeway meal! <333333333333333333333 

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