Chapter sixteen

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After an hour of delightfully getting to know each other a little more than we already do, we finally left to go home. When Bean started the car he gently took my hand. We started to drive. Since it took a half of an hour to get to Luna's, an hour there, an hour at the bakery (Time combined). Then it took forty-five minutes to and at AllyCats (time combo). Lastly it took an hour and a ten minutes at the meadow ( combo again). I asked Corbyn, and every destination got further and further away from the house. So my guess is it is going to take almost two hours to get home. 

My guess was very wrong. It only took about half an hour to get home, since we were in a weird loop. Apparently there was a couple of streets, and roads we had to take. 

When we got home as an official couple everything was so strange. I felt differently. I felt happy, but in a different way. It was nice. We got out of the car. He came around, and we held hands again. When we got up to the door we stopped. "Should we tell them all together?" I asked. "I don't know. I think we should," He said kissing my cheek. I smiled. "Then it's settled. We will," I said. We went inside. Everyone was sitting on the couch watching the door. Now switching there gaze at us. I saw Jonah look at our hands and wiggle his eyebrows. "Where were you guys?!" Daniel asks. "Now?" I asked whispering. "Yeah," He whispered back. "We have something to tell you guys," I said walking with Bean over to the couch area. "What is it?" Jonah asked like he already knew. "Well don't freak out, but we're d-" I got cut off by my adorable, excited boyfriend. "Dating!" He shouted. Daniel's face dropped. He was tearing up. I wanted to go hug him, and tell him everything was okay, but I didn't. "Yes!" Everyone except Dani yell in unison. I look at Corbyn. He looked at me.  We both leaned in, and kissed. We kept kissing. Eventually Jonah yelled, "Get a room!" We both blushed. We just kept holding hands. 

We walked upstairs. We went to my room. "You wanna chill in here, or your room?" I asked. "Let's chill in here," He said. I opened my door. When we got in I put down my bag. I put my phone down too. I sat on my bed with him by my side. He gently grabbed my face, and started kissing me. I immediately start kissing back. After a couple of minutes we both lay  down. Him hovering over me, still kissing me. He put his tongue at my mouth asking to enter. I opened my mouth. We start making out. He lowers himself on me. I know this is kind of too soon. I mean we have cuddled a lot before. I really want this. I already miss him, even though he is practically on me. I miss his warm embrace. He stops. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked. "If you don't we can just kiss.""I want this, I want you now, and forever," I said. He starts french kissing me again. He goes to my neck. He starts to give me a hickey. Oh well. Things start to escalate. Now he and I are both shirtless. He grabs out a condom from his pocket. Things escalate more.  You know what happens next.

After the "activity" we just completed, we shower. Separately. 


Hey guys! This chapter is crazy. Thank you guys so much for reading this. Also comment please.  There is no group name for us yet. So if you are part of this family, than please suggest the name of it! I love you guys!

Shove someone in a hole!

Bye! <3333333333333333333333333333333

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