Chapter Twenty

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A month later

Everything happened so quick, and I can't really think right now. I was laying on the sidewalk somewhere across the street from the house. I heard sirens, and my head was pounding. I tried to get back up, but my bones made me fall back to the ground. I rushed up, as soon as I saw Corbyn on a stretcher getting put in a ambulance. I tried to run, but something pulled me back. It was Jonah. He was crying, and his hair was messy. Zach was put on a stretcher too. Then Jack, and Daniel. Jonah was trying to hold me back. I couldn't stay there. I need to remember everything. I need to know what happened. What happened to my boyfriend, and my baby brother. What happened to everyone. I soon fell, as darkness consumed me.

Jonah's P.O.V

I got up from the grass. Something happened to us. The grass was just a blood bath, there was a crushed car across the street. The other boys we put on stretchers, and pulled away. I looked in the house. It was destroyed. Everything had blood on it. Everything had scratches. Our home we worked on so very hard was destroyed. I instantly remember. Monica! Where was she. I saw across the street. She was covered in blood. She tried to get up, but she couldn't. I ran over. She saw Corbyn being put in an ambulance. He was bleeding, a lot. She got a boost up once she fully saw everyone. She tried to run, but I grabbed her arm. She looked at me like she was going to die any minute. She fainted. I called, "Help, help! My sister! She needs help!" another ambulance came, and took her. They let me go with. 

Monica's P.O.V

I woke up in a hospital. What had happened? Jonah was there. He had blood on him, and he was holding my hand. I jerked it. He rose his head, from his arms. "J-J-Jonah? What happened?" I said. As soon as I said that memories flew back to me. I remember. I was laying in my bed with Corbyn. It was at least ten o'clock. I heard the door break open. Then I saw him. It. I don't remember much after that. "Everything is okay,"  Jonah assured me. "What happened last night?" I asked again, a little louder. "Where's Corbyn?!" I yelled. My heart rate went up, before it stopped. Everything stopped, I saw light. I got so close to it, like it was my only way. I went inside. I saw Corbyn, and Zach. I saw beauty. I felt nothing, but joy. I knew what had happened. I had been seeing the ones I love the most. This is probably deja vu. I suddenly got a bolt of electricity, and everything disappeared. It was all gone. I woke up, gasping for air. I caught my breath. Jonah was streaming with tears. 

An hour later, I was okay. I was walking out of my room with crying Jonah. A doctor came up to me. "Are you Ms. Monica Marais?" He asked. "Yes, why?" I said softly. "I am so very sorry to inform you, that Corbyn Besson has passed," I fell to the ground. I started screaming. Corbyn gone. Jonah held me. "Mr. Marais?" Another Doctor had said. "Yes?" "I am really sorry to inform you that Zachary Herron has passed, and we couldn't do anything," I started screaming more. My soulmate, and my little brother?! "Are you two the Marais siblings?" Another doctor asked. "Can you come into my office for a moment, I have some news?" We decided to go. "Jack Avery is in critical condition. He had four bullet wounds found on him. He was shot once in the leg, once in the arm, once in his chest, and one on his hand. He lost a lot of blood, and he is barely alive. Daniel Seavey is in very critical condition. He has two shots in the ribs. He was cut on his neck. He was stabbed in the stomach twice. Now once he is stable, we can put him in surgery, and take out the bullets. I know about Mr. Herron, and Mr. Besson. I am very sorry. Was Corbyn your boyfriend, Monica? Was Zach your close friend?" She said. I started crying so hard. "C-C-C-Corbyn was my soulmate!" I yelled crying. "Zach was my brother!" I yelled too. "Monica, would you like to know what happened to them?" She said ever so caring. "Yes, please," I said. "Corbyn had taking two shots in the stomach, two shots in the chest, and was stabbed multiple times," I started screaming again. "Zach had two shots in the stomach, two shots in each leg, and one shot in the chest. His throat was slit at least four times. We couldn't save his at all. He had already passed by the time our ambulances got there." I started screaming again. "Would you like to know what happened to you?" She asked. I nodded. " Well you were cut in the arm twice, both needing stitches. One of the cuts needed twenty-five stitches, and the other one needed ten stitches," She said. 

A week later. Jack had made it, while Daniel passed. Jack was hospital bound. Next month, he can start physical therapy. I stayed in my room, other then the times we went to visit Jack. 

I  decided with Ashley, and Corbyn's parents when the funeral will be. Jonah let us decide. We are doing it tomorrow, at nine in the morning. None of us are catholic. Everyone decided it would be best.

Jonah, Daniel's parents, his siblings, and I decided that the day after Bean's funeral would be Daniel's. The Herrons, Jonah, and I decided the day after Daniel's for his funeral. 


I am so sorry guys! I was crying while making this. Next chapter I will tell Bean's funeral. Then chapter after that is Daniel's. After on chapter twenty-three will be Zach's. Then the next chapter will be what happened that night. I love you so much! This book is so important to me. I honestly thought I would get at least 10 reads, and now we have 209! Thank you all so very, very much for choosing this!

Later sorry, but there will be no update. It is father's day, and I will be busy af! So please bear with me! I might try to update again tonight, but no definite decision! I might not sleep tonight then!

Shove someone in a hole with an old rusty nail! Just do it, if they are pissing you off! Bye!<33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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