I'm Sorry!

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Hey guys! I am so sorry. I might not be able to update tomorrow. I have school, then a volleyball game. I might be able to update before my volleyball game. School gets out at three and I will probably arrive home around three twenty. My volleyball game is at six. I have to get ready like an hour before. My homework will probably take like half an hour. I will probably get some writing done before the game, and after it. If I don't get the chance to update I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. 

Also on Tuesdays and Thursdays I probably won't be able to update because I have volleyball practice. 

My team and I are only on our third volleyball game so in like a month or so I will be able to update everyday again.

Again I am extremely sorry! 

Have a terrific day or night! I love you all.

                                 Good Bye!  


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