I Don't Like Your Girlfriend

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I walked through the front door of our house to see Jungkook on the couch with his girlfriend on his lap watching T.V. I rolled my eyes and walked into my room. Today he brought his girlfriend over to officially introduce her to the family. I personally did not like her. She wore way too much makeup over her dry and crusty face and just acts like a jerk in general at school. Well, atleast all the times I've seen her around.

I changed into more comfortable clothes for home and walked back downstairs with my backpack hanging lowly on my arm. I walked past the two on the couch and to the big table beside them to do my homework. I set everything down and began with math since that takes the most energy. After I finished all my math I got up and walked to the kitchen to get a drink and some snacks. When I walked back out looking down at my phone, I felt someone's presence and looked up.

It was that clown looking and my work.

"Wow (Y/N)! You're really good at math! I also heard from Kooks over there that you are scoring really high in all subjects! I was wondering if you could tutor my friends brother. He's about the same age as you and who knows! Maybe you guys could hit it off!" she said with a really big smile on her face. 'First of all buddy who said you could call him kooks? Only I could ever call him kooks. Not even the rest of my idiot brothers dare call him that cause they know only I can call him that.'

"Um yea, no thanks. I don't have time to tutor someone else especially if it's a guy since I HAVE A BOYFRIEND ALREADY but thanks for the suggestion." I said with a whole lot of sass since I didn't like her nor did I want to talk to her.

"(Y/N)! I know you have a boyfriend already but what's with the attitude?" Jungkook said while looking me dead in the eye giving me a glare.

"You literally in the top of your class, you never really have to study to prepare for tests and you always have a lot of free time so why can't you help her out?" he said walking over and put an arm around his girlfriend. "Um, well I don't know. Maybe because I don't really like her?" I wanted to say that so bad.

"Listen, just because it looks like I have a lot of time doesn't mean I'm sitting here doing nothing waiting for any opportunity I get to get off my butt. Yes I have a lot of time but I'm usually spending that time with my boyfriend, thank you very much. Plus I don't think he would like it very much if he knew that his girlfriend was spending so much time with another guy. I'm not about to give him the wrong idea just because your stupid girlfriend needs help." I said rolling my eyes gathering all my stuff and stormed back up into my room.

Once I got back into my room, I threw everything I had in my arms onto the floor and grabbed my phone to text samuel.


Hey can you come over?


Sure but why?


Ummmm I need help with homework...



so why do you really want me to come over?


I hate how you know me so well...

Anyways, Jungkook brought his stupid girlfriend here and she's annoying me. Jungkook is being no help either since he's being annoying too. I don't think I can hold myself back from clawing their eyes out much longer....

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