Didn't Make It (different ending)

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(A/N: Look, you guys wanted me to bring her back sooooo I did. I know for a fact that none of what I wrote was in any way real or logical because I am not a doctor. I am simply a girl that's writing a shitty fanfic to entertain the people reading this. Don't take this seriously. I know what I said was complete and utter bullshit and impossible so don't come after me ok? If you don't understand anything don't worry cause tbh I don't really understand what I wrote. Just please don't come after my dumbass please and thank you!!)

None of the others could bring themselves to talk. They all just fell to the floor sobbing. Jimin climbed up from the floor onto your bed to lay beside you. He wanted to cuddle you to sleep one last time. He never thought that cuddling you like this would ever end. That he could cuddle you whenever even if you two got old. He looked up at your paling face and let more tears fall from his eyes. He couldn't look you in the face anymore so he dropped his head into your neck and continued crying.

Jimin took one final look at you and started banging his head against your chest like he was doing to the wall a little earlier. The little thumps accompanied with loud sobs filled the room. All of a sudden, your once dead corpse gasped for a breath. All the boys fell silent before jin and namjoon yelled for a doctor in unison. A doctor rushed in with a couple of nurses which were all baffled by the beeping of the heart monitor starting up again. Most of the nurses rushed to hook you up properly and the rest were already gathering up things to test you with. This all took about 10 minutes with the mad rush of nurses and doctors. Once everything was done, the doctor that was originally watching after you and monitoring you walked up to the boys that were patiently waiting at the door watching everyone working to help save their baby sister.

"Can one of you tell me what happened in the room after I left?"

"Well, Jimin climbed into the bed with (Y/N) and cried for a while before hitting his head against her chest repeatedly and then all of a sudden (Y/N) just took a really big breath. That's when we called for you," Yoongi said.

"Jimin, we don't know if this is 100% true but you could be the reason your sister is alive right now. She is currently doing fine. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Just give her some time to rest. When she wakes up, we will continue doing some tests on her. She will have to stay here for a while so we can monitor her though,"

"Thank you doctor," they all said before going back into the room. Jimin rushed to sit down on the chair beside your bed and took your hand into his. He didn't care that he potentially saved your life. The only thing he truly cared about in the moment was that you were alive right now.

They all stayed for the rest of the night and most of them fell asleep. Jimin fell asleep on your hand, namjoon and jin fell asleep on the floor, leaning on each other while hoseok and yoongi fell asleep on each other while sitting on the couch. Surprisingly Jungkook and Taehyung were the only ones awake. The two of them being the youngest in the group, you'd think they would've fallen asleep first but they both felt like if they took their eyes off you for more then a second that you would somehow slip away again.

The two of them stayed up for the majority of the night but fell asleep once Jin and Hoseok woke up. You were still sound asleep in the bed with jimin's head still resting on your hand. Jin told hoseok to go out and grab some breakfast for the rest of them when they woke up while he stayed here and made sure that you were doing ok. Eventually, they all woke up and ate the food that hoseok bought. You, on the other hand, didn't wake up until around 7 in the evening. But let me tell you, once you did, all the tears that have momentarily stopped, all came back out from all seven of the boys when your eyes started fluttering open.

Hoseok and Yoongi called for the doctors while the rest of them were crowded around your bed. The same doctors and nurses from before came back in and looked extremely relieved that you woke up. They all got to work, checking everything that needed to be checked, bringing all sorts of machines into your room and hooking them up to you so they could test different aspects of your recovery. They did discover some minor inconveniences in some of the scans but nothing that wouldn't heal itself.

The incident did fracture a part of your spine so you did have to learn how to walk again. All of the boys helped out with some part in the recovery. If it wasn't being someone to lean on when you were learning how to walk again, it was smaller things like getting you food when you couldn't stand the taste of hospital food anymore and if not that then it was making trips to and from the hotel getting things that you needed. Eventually, when you were well enough to travel again, they put you on a plane and sent you home to Korea. Having such a big accident occur, Bighit cancelled the rest of the tour so that the boys could go back with you and take care of you until you were 100% better.

Army's have been nothing but supportive of your recovery and the boy's mental health knowing they've been through a lot while this whole thing was occurring. As to be expected from them. Once you got back to Korea, you were emitted into another hospital because the boys felt the need for you to be surrounded by professionals to heal properly. They wouldn't take you out of the hospital until the hospital told them that you were doing a lot better and that they couldn't do much other then provide you with a room since all you needed to do was walk more.


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