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Today, Jimin was taking you to take your drivers test. It was around summertime but it was still a little chilly outside since it was early morning so you put on some shorts and a hoodie before making your way downstairs. Jimin was already downstairs waiting for you in some shorts and a muscle tee.

"Ok, I'm ready," Jimin looked up from his phone once you started talking. He looked at you like you were crazy.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie? You know its summer right?" he asked still looking at you like you were going to die in what you were wearing. You just rolled your eyes before putting your shoes on and walking out the door. Jimin just shook his head before doing the same.

During the car ride, Jimin decided that he was going to blast some music so you and he could both passionately yell out some lyrics to get out those last-minute nerves that have fallen upon you.

Once you arrived at the place where Jimin also took his drivers test a couple of years ago, you guys got out of the car and put your name down to take the test. The lady that was helping you out told you to take a seat and wait for your number to be called. You both made your way to the seating area and waited. You took out your phone and went on Instagram to kill some time until you felt a weight drop onto your shoulder. You looked over and saw that Jimin was resting his head on your shoulder while hugging his body.

The testing place was blasting the airconditioning inside but since you were wearing a hoodie you couldn't really feel it. Jimin, however, was wearing his muscle tee so he was freezing.

"What's wrong?" you asked looking down at him.

"Are you not freezing? I'm freezing" he said.

"Pft, and you thought I was the dumb one," you said shaking your head. Eventually, your number was called and both of you stood up walking to the direction of the testing room. You were halfway there before Jimin went the opposite way towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" you asked.

"Outside, where it isn't freezing," you shook your head while looking at him.

"What? It's not like I'm allowed to go into the testing room with you," he said with a shrug. Once you started walking in the direction of the testing room again you heard jimin yelling out a 'good luck' before you heard the door open and close signalling that he left. You smiled before pushing the door open and walking in. 

Sorry this was short but I'm a little tired lol. I've also been distracted by another boy band smh. The group is called prettymuch and I've literally been trying to figure out who my favourite is for like a whole ass fucking week but I think that Zion is my favourite cause he's from Canada JUST LIKE UR GIRL but he's also fucking hilarious and a whole ass SNACK. BTS will ALWAYS be my favourite group and Jungkook will forever be my fucking baby but damn this little lightskin cutie is just here like trying to snatch me. smh. But anyways, hope you enjoyed lol.

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