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"I want to go home" That was the first thing you said once you got to school into the morning. You were walking around with your eyes half shut and leaning on your friend. She just chuckled while dragging you to class. She plopped you on a chair before proceeding to take a seat next to you. Trust me, you got 9 solid hours of sleep last night. That was like 4 more hours than your weekly average, but that didn't make you feel any better waking up in the morning.

You honestly barely made it through the day without having your head drop from leaning against your hand to hitting the table but you managed to survive the 6 long hours of school. You didn't retain any of the information you were fed through-out the school day but you also didn't give in to the urge to take a nap either so who's the real winner here? Definitely not you.

You dragged your feet all the way home, not feeling anymore awake then you did in the morning and when you walked through the front door, you ignore the amazing smell of food from the kitchen since all that was on your mind was going back to sleep. You dropped your backpack onto the floor and fell into the all too familiar scent and feel of your couch. You let out a big sigh and finally let your eyes close. You felt yourself falling deeper and deeper into a solid slumber until your legs were violently thrown off the couch. Your eyes shot open and you saw Taehyung sitting at where your feet previously laid with a remote in his hands and a bowl of popcorn sitting in his lap.

You got up and walked into the kitchen where Jin was preparing the night's dinner. You sat down and folded your arms on the table before you proceeded to lay your head down on them. Jin looked over from the cutting he was doing.

"You ok princess?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No. I can't do this anymore. I'm going to end it all," you said, closing your eyes again.

"And why is that? Did something happen today?" he asked, going back to his cutting, already used to your dramatic self.

"Everyone is depriving me of my sleep,"

"Then why don't you go up to your room for now? Dinner isn't going to be ready for a little while so I'll wake you when I'm done," You just nodded and thanked him before making your way up the stairs and into your room. Once you got up there you threw all your clothes off and changed into your sleeping clothes then flopped right down into your bed. You didn't even put the blanket on top of yourself before drifting into a deep slumber.

I'm sorry I randomly post depressing stuff about my life. I swear to god I'm so bipolar sometimes.  Don't worry about me though cause I'm always in and out of that kind of mindset. Thank you to everyone who continues to support me through all of this though. I really do appreciate you guys. Well that's all from me today! Talk to you guys in the next chapter!

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