Family Issues

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You were not the same kid from 8 years ago. You were older. You know more things now. From both your family life and the real world. You found out that your favourite cousin was actually adopted and that your second aunt had an affair with a bartender. You also knew that your grandmother was an evil sexist wench but obviously, you weren't going to say anything.

It was a normal Saturday night except you were all getting ready for the annual family Christmas party. You were dreading to go since all your aunts and uncles were from the motherland and they all grew up with the idea that men were superior compared to women. Since you were a sibling of 7 brothers, and you didn't exactly meet all the Asian beauty standards, you were pretty low on their rating scale. You were putting on some earrings and rings before heading downstairs. Whenever it came to these types of get-togethers, you always had to wear the nicest things you own in hopes of impressing them while your brothers could show up in sweats and a hoodie and get praised so you weren't surprised when you saw all of them in casual wear.

"Ugh, do I have to go?" you asked no one in particular.

"Yes, you have to go, because if you're not there then they'll think you're disrespectful and hate you more," jin said. All of your brothers knew about the 'issues' you were faced with whenever you guys went to these parties and even though all your aunts and uncles favoured your brothers over the rest of your cousins, your brothers hated all of them because of how they treated you.

"Can't you just tell them that I died or something? I'm pretty sure that would make them happier then if I were to go," you were really not trying to go to this party. They all just looked at you and shook their heads. You just groaned again before everyone got up to put their shoes on. You followed all your brothers out to the car and sat in between Hoseok and Taehyung.

You leaned your head on Tae's shoulder and listened to music through one of his airpods. You got there sooner than you expected and sighed before getting out of the car. Jungkook helped you out of the car since you were sitting at the very back of the car and you decided to just keep a hold on his hand as you made your way into the house. When you walked through the door everyone greeted all of your brothers individually but didn't say a word to you. Usually, all your older brothers went to go and converse with the elders while you, Jungkook, Jimin, Tae, and occasionally Hoseok wen to go hang around with your other cousins. Today Jimin and Tae decided they wanted to go with your other brothers and listen in on what they usually talk about during these parties. They told you that if they heard anything juicy or if it got boring they would come to find us and tell us.

You and Jungkook went down to the basement where your favourite cousin was sitting on his phone. The both of you greeted him and started talking just like how you always do at these kinds of parties.


Jimin and Tae took a seat next to Namjoon on the couch and stayed silent, trying to listen to all the conversations around them.

"Wow, you all look great!" one of your aunts said to Jin.

"Yeah! And you all look very fit! Taking care of yourselves I see," Another aunt calls out.

"Oh yes, all of them except (Y/N). she looks like she gained a little," the first aunt says.

This was a regular occurrence to the rest of the hyungs since they always had something to say about you. Don't get them wrong. They tried arguing on your behalf when they first started to say these things but they learned at a young age that arguing with these aunties had no benefit. They all decided to keep all this a secret from you to protect you. You already knew they didn't like you and that they always had something to say about you but they just didn't deem it necessary for you to know exactly what they said. As you know, what you don't know can't hurt you.

Jimin and Tae however, are hearing all this for the first time and while jimin was trying to wrap his head around why they would say all this, Tae was getting madder by the minute. His usually bubbly personality and aura changed so fast into serious and dark, you'd think it was a totally different person sitting there.

"It does look like she gained! And have you seen her earrings? And all those rings on her fingers? A little girl like that shouldn't be wearing those. They make her look like a hooker!"

"Yeah. She should learn from someone like Katie! An all A student. skinny, polite and pretty," all the aunties started to converse with one another, leaving your brothers out of the conversation. Not like they wanted to be apart of this conversation anyways. Every comment that came out of their mouths was worse than the last and they were all about you.

Tae genuinely thought that he was going to be the one who spoke up first but everyone was surprised when Yoongi was the one who spoke up.

"Why don't you guys stop talking about our little sister like that and start treating her your niece since that is what she is. Your niece. Not some "hooker". She has not gained any weight and it wouldn't be any of your business if she did. Her accessories don't make her look like a hooker. They make her look like a normal teenage girl. And take a look at your kids before talking about (Y/N) like that. (Y/N) knows not to be like Katie because she knows how to keep her legs closed. Give it a month and Katie will come to the next party pregnant with god knows whos child," all your brothers looked at Yoongi wide-eyed and mouth gaped.

All of your aunts stopped talking as their jaws went slack with all Yoongi said. Yoongi tried so hard to keep it in and he has for the last 16 years of your life but couldn't take it anymore. He gave all his other brothers a look and they all followed suit in grabbing their jackets and heading for the door. As they walked past the entrance to the basement, Yoongi called for both you and Jungkook. You two climbed up the stair and didn't even question why the rest of your brothers had their jackets on even though you and Jungkook were thoroughly confused. You just grabbed your jacket and followed the rest of your brothers to the car.

"Why are we leaving so early?" You asked once Jin started pulling out of the driveway. No one answered for a little while until Namjoon spoke up.

"Didn't you say you didn't even want to come in the first place?" you took that as your cue to not ask about it anymore.

A little more interesting, just as I promised. hope you enjoyed! Talk to you guys in the next chapter!

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