Study Session

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was the week before exams and I was in my room trying to study for them. I was looking through my notes but the words just weren't sticking in my head. I remember Namjoon once told me that saying your notes out loud and explaining them to someone else helps him study. Maybe I should try that, but the only ones in the house were me and yoongi since Jungkook, Tae and Jimin had a study group, Hoseok and Namjoon were hanging around with their friends and Jin was out buying groceries for tonight's dinner.

"Yoongi's gonna get so annoyed so quick. He'll probably just send me back to my room and tell me to figure it out myself. Ugh whatever. I'll just go anyways. Desperate times call for desperate measures" I thought to myself.

I jumped off the side of my bed and walked out the door, grabbing my backpack and all my binders that had notes in them on the way out. I walked all the way down the hall where yoongi's shared bedroom with jin was. The door was closed and I could hear the music he was playing in there.

I knocked on the door once. There was no answer. So I knocked on his door again. Harder then before. Still. No. Answer. I got fed up and just let myself in not even trying to be polite anymore.

When I walked in yoongi was laying down on his bed and looking at something on his laptop. I thought he just didn't hear me come into the room but when I was about to say something to announce my presence, yoongi cut me off. Not by saying anything though. Just with a finger. He held one single finger up. Not even looking up from the screen. I halted my word and waited until he talked to me first. I stood there silently for about 2 minutes before he turned down his music and decided to speak.

"What do you want?"

"Can you help me study for exams?" I asked mustering up the best puppy eyes that I could make.

"Sorry sis. I don't do those things. I don't know how im supposed to help you. You're gonna have to wait for Namjoon to come back" he said shrugging.

"Please! I need as much time to study as I can get and by the time Namjoon comes back it'll be to late at night and my brain will be even more fried then it is now and I don't think I would be able to function. Come on just let me try to explain some concepts to you and if you understand what I'm saying then we can move on. It's not like you have to do anything else other then listen." I said setting my stuff down beside his bed.

"Ok fine" he put his laptop away and the actual study session started. Namjoon's advice combined with Yoongi's new advice was gold to me and i passed those exams with flying colours. 

New update! Yea I'm not dead in a ditch somewhere. I literally say this every time I update but I'm sorry I don't update more. I know I should update more but things get in the way. Nothing ever really goes as planned in my life. But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it's pretty short. 

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