Winter Break

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You were looking anxiously at the clock as the last couple of seconds were winding down until the beginning of winter break. As the bell actually rang, you dashed out the class since you didn't need to pack anything because you basically packed everything up 10 minutes before last period even started. You ran down the hallway to jungkooks class so that you could walk home together and stop by the little cafe on the way home to get hot chocolate to celebrate the start of winter break since it was your little unspoken tradition the both of you did together every year.

You started walking as you started getting close to his class and came to a final stop in front of the classroom. You peered inside the class to see what was taking him so long today. Turns out he wasn't even in there. Confused, you walked around to the front of the school where you spotted some of his friends, Jae, yugyeom and bambam. You walked up to them and asked where you brother went only to be disappointed by their answer. Apparently he left right when the bell rang with SaNa. You said your thanks and bid them goodbye as you started walking home. You walked into the cafe you were supposed to go to with jungkook and got what you were originally planning on getting. You started debating in my mind whether or not to get jungkook one. Eventually when it was your turn to order you decided on getting him a cup since you figured you guys could still continue the tradition even though he isn't really here. You walked out of the cafe with 2 steamy cups of hot chocolate in your hands and a box of mochi in your bag since you thought it would be a nice treat for later.

Walking back to the house you somehow managed to unlock the door and walked in with none of the hot chocolate spilling. Making your way through the house, heading towards the kitchen, you try to set both the cups on the counter before going upstairs to change. You quickly changed into the festive pajamas you have and go back downstairs. You grab one of the cups and made you way in front of the T.V. You turned on the T.V and signed into netflix to continue the anime you've been watching for the past couple of days. The intro for the seven deadly sins started playing before you skipped it. The sound of jingling keys erupted before the front door unlocked and in walked jungkook and Sana. You immediately got upset at the sight of Sana and you walked over to the kitchen and yelled loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.

"JIMIN! CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE FOR A SECOND?!" you yelled as loud as you could, your voice screeching a little by the end of it. You heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and jimin walked into the kitchen wide eyed since you never really yelled unless you were mad.

"Yes?" he asked hesitantly since he thought you were mad at him for some reason.

"I bought you hot chocolate! I also got some mochi for us so do you wanna watch a movie or something with me so we can share the mochi?" you asked, bringing the mochi out of your bag and said with a loud sweet voice but with a little aggression since you knew that jungkook could hear you guys.

"Oh, thanks sis! Yeah I have time to watch a movie" he said while taking the mochi and walking over to the couch. Once we got there, we both sat down really tightly beside each other since jungkook and Sana were occupying the other side of the couch. Jimin was picking a movie while you stole a quick glance at jungkook. You saw him looking down at the cups in both our hands and scowling at them right before a pout was made present on his face. You rolled your eyes and turned your attention to the T.V waiting to see what jimin would pick. Right when jimin picked a movie and you guys got comfortable on the couch and jimin was about to take his first sip of the hot chocolate. Jungkook stood up abruptly and stormed into the kitchen while yelling behind him.

"(Y/N), COME IN HERE" You then got even more upset since you knew good and well that he had no right being mad at you. You got up off the couch and stormed into the kitchen only to see jungkook leaning against the island with an eyebrow raised while poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue. His stance pissed you off a lot more then when you originally walked in.

"How could you give the hot chocolate to Jimin hyung? That's OUR tradition!" jungkook said.

"You should've thought of that before you ditched me for that skank. If you want to be mad at me for that then be mad. Maybe it's time for a change and since you wanna spend all your time with her and not with your little sister since girls mean more then your family now then. Maybe I should just continue this tradition with jimin now since you have more 'important' things to do" you said extremely upset. Even though you'd never show it, you wanted to storm upstairs and cry out of frustration.

Not even wanting to look at him anymore since you know that if you look at him much longer you'd get even more upset, you walked back outside and plopped yourself down next to jimin and snuggled up next to him under the blanket he set up. A few minutes later jungkook walked out of the kitchen but you paid him no mind and continued watching you movie.

What a great way to start winter break.

Yuh girl is sick and she's dying real fucking quick. I'm wearing a god damn mask in my own house cause my mom doesn't want me getting my little sister sick. smh. Anyways, thank you for reading. I really don't know where I find the energy to update even when Im sick so if this chapter is bad then you know why. and i know its late but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! <3

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