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(Bangtan is gonna be famous in this chapter)

Being the sister of the world wide sensation BTS gets pretty hard sometimes. Still being young, your brothers refused to leave you at home while they were touring so the only solution was to bring you with them. You didn't hate being on tour with them. In fact, you really enjoyed it. Seeing all the sights while you were going from place to place was exciting to say the least. The only part you didn't enjoy so much was the airplane rides. You're usually fine during the flights but there are some time where you do get a little sick. You hate it when the plane descends back onto the ground, it makes your ears pop and you highly dislike the feeling.

The worst was when you got off the plane after a flight from Korea all the way to America. You were already a little sick before you got onto the plane and when you got onto the plane you felt a lot worse. You decided against telling any of your brothers since you knew it was going to be a tiring plane ride and they had to do a concert the day after you landed so you didn't want to worry them about your health. You told them you wanted to sit alone just because then they would have a more comfortable ride, that way they could lean on each other since they were the more important ones when really you just didn't want to get them sick. You sat through the plane ride barely breathing since you couldn't breathe through your nose. Not breathing through your nose was a bother since that further stopped you from sleeping. That then left you to listen to music on your phone and watch the terrible variety of movies the plane provided.

Having enough of it you got up and told jin about your struggles. He brought you back to your seat and gave you some medicine before going back to his seat. After taking the medicine, your nose cleared up a bit so you decided to sleep as much as you could before you guys landed.

Jin went back to his seat which was a couple of rows behind you and told yoongi about your condition. Soon all of your brothers knew about your condition and felt bad that you were sitting by yourself. Jin was going to tell jungkook to go sit by himself so that you could sit next to him but when he got up to go get you, you were already asleep so jin didn't want to wake you. A couple of hours passed while you were sleeping until you were woken by Tae tapping your shoulder telling you that the plane landed and you guys had to get off. You didn't even realize the plane landed.

Yoongi told you to follow jungkook off the plane first and that they would handle your stuff. You complied and followed jungkook out. You suddenly got dizzy once all of you made it out of security and leaned on Namjoon.

"Just lean on me alright? We'll be at the hotel soon" you just nodded while continuing to lean on him. 

You guys came out and you were immediately met by flashing cameras and hundreds of screaming girls. You closed your eyes and leaned further into Namjoon while you walked to the car. You then felt a lot more presences around you. You opened your eyes and saw Jungkook and Tae in front of you guys. You looked to both sides of you and saw that Hoseok and Jimin were there. You took a quick glance behind you and saw that yoongi and Jin were following close behind you guys. You went back to leaning on Namjoon while walking before he put a hand in front of your eyes. You looked up at him curiously.

"The flashing might give you a bigger headache. Just deal with the flashing a little more. We're almost at the car" he said without looking at you. You guys finally made it to the car and all of them let you go into the car first while standing in a semi circle around the van's door blocking the pictures that were trying to be taken of you. You sat at the very back corner and Jimin followed in after you. You leaned you head against the window while waiting for the rest of them to come into the car. You almost fell asleep before you felt someone moving your head. Your head dropped onto the soft shoulder that belonged to Jimin. You were too tired to say anything so you just fell asleep.

Jin looked behind him to take a look at how you were doing. He saw you leaning your head on Jimin's shoulder and Jimin's head resting on top of yours. He snapped a quick photo because even though you were sick, you still looked adorable. The van pulled up at the hotel you guys were staying at and jimin picked you up, being careful not to wake you and carried you into your room. He laid you on the bed after taking off your shoes and left to his room. The seven boys decided that Jin would be staying with you so that he could keep an eye on you. You woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep anymore. You found your phone where you left it, which was in your pocket and started scrolling through instagram. You saw photos of you guys today at the airport. Your eyes stopped at a link to an article that was called "Bangtan's Little Trouble" you were curious so you clicked on it.

International funomenon BTS arrived in America today and the fans gathered in and out of the airport waiting for them. While coming out all seven members were seen surrounding their little sister. RM, BTS' leader was also seen putting a hand in front of her eyes. People are led to believe that RM did that to cancel out the flashing lights of cameras. Fans that actually got a glimpse of her say that she did look a little flushed. Army's believe that Kim (Y/N) is currently sick and a hashtag is trending as of right now. #Getbetter(Y/N)

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"Wow, they all get information so quick" you mumbled to yourself while shaking your head. You put your phone onto the table beside your before closing your eyes and attempting to sleep again.

This is my first imagine where the boys are famous. Would you guys like more imagines where they are famous or do you guys just prefer that they weren't famous? Leave a comment on what you think? and please send me some request! I need ideas lol. Well that was this chapter so I hope you enjoyed!

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