You usually don't wear a shirt when you're in your room because you just think it's more comfortable. It's not that you were completely bare. You always had some sort of training bra on so you didn't think it would be a problem. You never really had an issue with this since you're always either under your blanket or since all your brothers know how to knock, you always had enough time to put on a shirt before they came in.
Your training bras decently covered your breasts but you just went shopping with one of your friends last week and she forced you to buy a bralette. They were a little more revealing but they were extremely comfortable so you didn't say anything when she threw the bralette into the pile while you were paying.
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(Ignore the cardigan)
You were wearing that while sitting up on your bed, working on a slide show you needed to finish before tomorrow until someone burst through your door. You didn't think anything about it until you heard a scream.
"OH MY GOD (Y/N) PUT ON A SHIRT!" you heard Namjoon yell while slamming the door. You just shrugged it off and continued working on your laptop. You got bored with your room so you threw a shirt on and grabbed your laptop before walking down the stairs. Once you made it downstairs you saw Namjoon covering his eyes.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked Yoongi who was beside him. All Yoongi did was chuckle while shaking his head.
"Is she wearing clothes?" Namjoon asked behind his hands.
"Yes she is and she always was" You replied sarcastically while rolling your eyes. Namjoon slowly brought his hands down to reveal his eyes that were still pretty hesitant to look.
"Oh thank god. I'm now scarred for life" Namjoon said while his eyes looked like they've just seen a ghost.
"What's that supposed to mean? Why are you scarred? It's not like you saw me completely naked"
"I know. Thank god. If I did, I would've killed myself right then and there. Just seeing that, I already want to bleach my eyes"
You just rolled your eyes before turning around again to walk back upstairs. Not before flipping him off though.
Sorry for the short chapter. Tbh I just started writing this but didn't really know where this was going. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed