After school

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Warning: There is some swearing in this chapter.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walked through the halls, trying to get in to my locker when I feel stares burning into my back. I chose to ignore them and continue trying to open my locker. Once I get it opened, a little note falls out onto the floor. I pick it up and read it.

Outside east entrance at 3.

I'll be waiting.

Nothing else. That's it. That's the whole note. I might as well go since I have nothing else to do. I kinda want to see who it is who sent me this dumb letter. I see jungkook down the hall and run to him so we can go to class together like we always do.

~Time Skip~

School just ended and I was walking toward the east entrance. I didn't tell any of my brothers about this simply because it never came up in our conversations. Once I get there, I push through the door to find Tzuyu standing there with the rest of her group. I let out a little chuckle and walk up to her.

"So were you the one who left that note inside my locker?"

"Yea, it was me" she said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"So what do you want?" I asked, starting to slouch.

"Set me up with your brother? Joonie is ideally the one I would prefer but any one of them is good" she said staring to twirl her hair while talking. How dare she call him Joonie! Only I can call him Joonie. What the hell?

"Pffft. And here I was, thinking that it was only one of you whores going after my brothers" I said making eye contact with Sana. All of them looked highly offended and at this I figured I've spent enough time with these idiots so I turned around to walk off. That was until one of them grabbed me by the hair. OoOooOoOOhHhHhhh that's it. My hair is one of my most prized possessions since it's basically the only thing I like about myself. This bitch did not just yank on my shit. She's about to catch these hands. I whip myself around and slap whoever had a grip on my hair which turned out to be Tzuyu. She falls to the ground, holding onto the side of her face. Heh, weak.

She sends me a glare and gives a look or something over to the rest of the girls and they all suddenly start walking my way. Pft. They think they can intimidate me if they're in a group together? If only they knew.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I heard a familiar voice from a distance. Jungkook, Jimin and Tae step out from around the corner. Jungkook was the one that spoke.

"She has a black belt in Taekwondo, three brothers present and 4 that will be here in a couple of minutes if called." Jimin added on while walking over to where I was standing.

"Are you guys really dumb enough to go against the youngest Kim in our family? Any Kim for that matter?" Tae added these final word as they finally get to where I'm standing. Jungkook uses my shoulder as an armrest while Jimin and Tae stood on either side of us. I sent a smirk to the girls as they looked at my brothers. All of them turned around to help Tzuyu up and they all walk away.

"Tsk. Pussies." I said watching them walk around to the other side of the school.

"What did she even say to you?"
Jimin asked turning the rest of us around and starting to walk home.

"She asked me to hook her up with Joonie. And she even said Joonie! How dare she use my nickname for him. She said that she wanted Joon but any of you guys were ok." I said rolling my eyes. The three of them remained emotionless since this was pretty normal. After all, we are a pretty popular family.

"AND she had the audacity to yank my hair when I tried walking away!"

"No she did not." Tae said not believing someone had the nerve to pull my hair.

"Yea. She did." I said shakin my head.

"Damn. We shouldn't have intervened then. They would've gotten what was going for them." Jungkook said and then getting smacked on the back of the head by Jimin.

"How did you guys even know where I was?" I asked suddenly wondering when they showed up.

"I'm literally in the same class as you, and you think that if you just walk off without telling one of us that we wouldn't follow you? Come on (Y/N), I expected better from you." Jungkook said and I rolled my eyes. He has a point. I just shake my head while we all continued to walk home.

I'm sorry that I don't update much, I would update more but I don't have any request or anything so it's kinda hard for me. But anyways, here's this chapter! I hoped you enjoyed! I am currently on vacation in Vietnam but I only have another week here😂😂 I'm probably not going to do much this week since this whole trip is just to visit family and for a wedding I had to go to but that's all over so this week I'll probably try to write something while I'm not doing anything!

(Oh and this isn't edited so sorry if there are any mistakes)

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